Calendrier cycliste UCI 2012 | La Flèche Wallonne 2012


Actuellement il y a 15 commentaires!
  1. That official website brings you to the 2011 race, not the 2012

    | John Cunha | lundi 02 janvier 2012 om 02h15

  2. Hello John,

    Tell that the organisor of the race. On that address, the 2012 race will be shown as soon as it'll be available online. The address I have for the official website is the right one.

    | Thomas Vergouwen | lundi 02 janvier 2012 om 11h00

  3. Je voudrais des informations sur la cyclosportive qui sera couru la veille de la course professionnelle

    | SCHEYDECKER | mardi 06 mars 2012 om 09h46

  4. Idea for Changing the Great Classic Races of Cycling
    such as the Milan-San Remo, the Paris-Roubaix, and the Liege-Bastogne-Liege.

    Main reason for implementing this :
    to improve the viewing quality for the viewing public tuning in on the TV. It will be better to watch, because instead of being made to see one or two opportunistic break-aways all pulled back and get nothing for it, with it seems horribly like 99% of all not-hugely mountainous races ending in a big bunch sprint, leaving the viewing public wondering why they bothered to watch the last 100 km of the race when only the last 1 km seems to matter toward the outcome of the race. Dull dull dull. But no longer with this great solution, which will lead to good viewing suspense, new team strategies, and good viewing excitement for those watching on TV:

    The existing focus on the order of the riders crossing the finishing line is kept but shrunken to 60% if the prize money for the day.

    40 % go to the main combatants of this new system, as follows:
    15% goes to the winner of the tournament-in-a-day competition
    10% each go to the other two finalists of the tournament-in-a-day competition
    2.5% each go to the two cyclists who made it to the last 5 (but not the last 3) in the tournament-in-a-day competition

    The tournament-in-a-day competition:
    With 80 km to go before the finishing line for the day, a sprint determines who (= the first cyclist to cross this line) qualifies for the 2nd stage of the tournament-in-a-day competition;

    With 75 km to go before the finishing line for the day, a further sprint determines who (= the first cyclist to cross this line, apart from the person who has already qualified) qualifies for the 2nd stage of the tournament-in-a-day competition;

    With 70 km to go before the finishing line for the day, a sprint determines who (= the first cyclist to cross this line, apart from the 2 persons who have already qualified) qualifies for the 2nd stage of the tournament-in-a-day competition;

    A 4th cyclist qualifies at the 65 km to go mark
    And a 5th cyclist qualifies at the 60 km to go mark

    These are the only 5 riders from the entire race who are eligible for the prestigious and well-paid crown of the tournament-in-a-day competition

    If the same break-away of 5 or more riders was ahead of the peloton at all the above sprint markers, it goes without say that only those who were in this break-away and who sprinted well, are left in the running for this title.

    Phase 2:
    At the 45 km to go marker, a sprint to the line determines which one of the 5 riders to have qualified for stage 2 of the tournament-in-a-day competition qualifies further to its (phase 3) final.

    A further sprint at the 40 km to go marker determines which one of the other 4 riders to have qualified for stage 2 of the tournament-in-a-day competition qualifies to its phase 3.

    A further sprint at the 30 km to go marker determines which one of the other 3 riders to have qualified for stage 2 of the tournament-in-a-day competition qualifies to its phase 3.

    Phase 3:
    Then with 10 km to go, a final sprint determines which one of the 3 who qualified for phase 3 wins the title of winner of the tournament-in-a-day competition.

    This 3 phase system makes the elite races into a fascinating thing to watch; and it brings in the element of qualifying for something worth fighting for during the course of a one-day classic race in, allowing viewers to track changes and break-away attempts aimed at winning further qualification as the race goes on in a big new way.

    Idea for Changing the Great And the New Tour Races of Road Cycling for the Better

    Idea 2: This goes well with the above, and it will bring in more good-stuff to the viewing experience on the big tours + adds a new layer of opportunity and suspense to the race (plus it kills off the current situation where most of the effort that goes into break-aways is a long-shot gamble and a complete waste of energy):

    A blue jersey is brought in (in addition to the yellow, polka-dot and sprinters jerseys). This jersey is for riders who fought hard in break-aways on flat(ish) stages.

    Blue jersey points are earned as follows:
    10 points for each participant in a break-away that got itself 10-19 seconds ahead of the peloton (main bunch) at any time check on the day.

    This same combination of riders gets an 11th point each if they get 20-29 seconds clear;
    A 12th point if they get 30-39 seconds clear;
    A 13th point if they get 40-49 seconds clear;
    A 14th point if they get 50-59 seconds clear;
    A 15th point if they get 1 minute to 1 minute 19 seconds clear;
    A 16th point if they get 1 minute 20 - 1 minute 39 seconds clear;
    A 17th point if they get 1 minute 40 - 1 minute 59 seconds clear;
    A 18th point if they get 2 minutes to 2 minutes 29 seconds clear;
    A 19th point if they get 2 minutes 30 to 2 minutes 59 seconds clear;
    A 20th point if they get 3 minutes or more clear;

    Different combinations of riders (e.g. if a break-away group shrinks or grows by 1 rider or by several riders): a further score of 10-20 points is awarded for each new combination of riders in the break-away(s) that gets a 'number of seconds currently ahead of the peloton' time check.

    In addition, 3 points, 2 points and 1 point are awarded each day for the riders who spent the most time at the very front of the break-away group(s) overall, working to pull it along and to keep it ahead.

    Then after the first 5 flat stages have been run, all further flat stages of the tour after this count double (20 to 40 instead of 10-20 and 6 ,4, 2 instead of 3,2,1).

    A third idea is to bring in a striped jersey, which consists of one against one battles for the day. Each of these one against one battles for the day is decided by: 1. Yellow (if they do not end the day in the same group of riders, this overrides all else)
    2. Blue (if one of them was involved in any break-away this day that the other one was not involved in, they win the clash)
    3. Red: Each one-against one battle has its own special sprint lines: The first one takes place somewhere between the 80 km to go and the 50 km to go on the day markers (where exactly is decided by a drawing). The second one takes place somewhere between the 50 km to go and the 20 km to go on the day markers (where exactly is decided by a drawing). And for those one-on-one encounters where the above yellow, blue and 2 special sprints do not determine a winner, the first to cross the end of the day's stage line at the end of the day's stage decides the winner of the one-on-one encounter (acting as the third sprint in a 2 out of 3 red sprints system).

    The suggested format to consider for the striped jersey battles in the tour as a whole is to have 2 qualifying and 4 best positions days, all near the start of the tour (and not use the time trial stages).
    The first and second (mass-start) stages on the cycling tour are to determine 8 qualifiers each for the striped jersey:
    The stage winner of the day is one of these 8 qualifiers;
    5 of the remaining 7 qualifying slots from each day are determined by yellow (counts more than) blue (counts more than) red points, with red points awarded as 5,3,2,1 points each in three free-for-all sprints (held only on these two days) at approximately 90, 60 and 30 km to go and w,7,5,3,2,1 red points awarded at the end of the day's race line; and the remaining 2 qualifying slots are determined by the red points alone.

    An alternative might use a time trial or a mountain stage to determine half or all the 16 who qualify for the striped jersey battle.

    A drawing determines who goes up against who among the 16 who have qualified for the striped jersey on its 3rd day.

    On its 4th day, winners of the 3rd day battles go up against each other in the quarter-finals; and losers go up against losers in the battle for a top 10 place.

    On day 5, the 4 riders who have won all their one-on-one battles so far go up against each other in the semi-finals. Others who are still in the running in the battles for 5th or for 9th place in the striped jersey are also allocated new opponents within these brackets.

    Then on day 6 the final standings are decided in the battles for 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th place.

    An alternative suggestion (proposal 3B) puts all 16 qualified riders on the 3rd day and the brackets of 8 and 4 on subsequent days into all-against-all battles, in which the better half (winners) are decided by a yellow counts more than blue counts more than red all-against-all system.

    My 4th good idea proposal is to start each flat day off with a pattern of break-aways, determined by a drawing:

    Starting 6 minutes ahead of the peloton are 5 riders, determined by a drawing, none of whom have had this privilege before in this tour and none of whom are in the top 20 of the yellow jersey or the top 5 of the sprinters jersey battle.

    Then, starting 2 minutes ahead of the peloton are a further 20 riders, determined in a drawing that involves all cyclists other than the above 5.

    The objective of this proposal is to increase the chance of all other outcomes and interim situations other than the all-in-one mass peloton finish, which occurs way too often, in my view, under the current system.

    My proposal 4B is that you have 2 whole teams starting 6 minutes ahead of the peloton each day (determined by a drawing among all the teams other than the top 3 and other than the ones who have had big head starts like this already) and a further 4 whole teams starting 2 minutes ahead of the peloton. You can imagine how the teams would have to decide how hard to fight to stay out in front and how many riders they can drop, and how the peloton is in a must-try-to-catch-them cat-and-mouse situation each time. Other variations of this idea, (such as 1 team, then 2 more, then 3 more teams, then all others) are to be considered too please.

    Proposal 5: Please also consider bringing in a rule that no team is allowed to have more than two exceptions to the rule that all riders within a team must be from the same country (so each team has a national affiliation and no more than two riders from other countries racing for it).

    A combination of any 1, 2 or 3 of the above ideas could be used in a tour, making it a better thing to watch, and making the world a better place.

    I hope you see these ideas not as something threatening or anti-establishment, but as a good idea, a strong proposal, something that can and in the coming years, with YOUR help WILL make the sport a better thing to watch.

    I hereby grant full rights to use or to change and use this idea of mine free of charge. I hope it succeeds on its own good contents, and finds implementation, so we viewers who want it to be exciting and also slowly unravelling in stages, do not have to suffer for much longer .

    Best Wishes
    K Muller of Norwich

    | Kai | dimanche 18 mars 2012 om 16h50

  5. Pour les prochaines éditions de liège, j'aimerais que les organisateurs rénovent le parcours, comme l'on fait ceux du tour des flandres.
    Une course cyliste doit pouvoir évoluier, et personnellement l'arrivée à ans ne m' a jamais convaicu.

    J'aimerais que la cote de la redoute retrouve sa splendeur, pour ce faire je propose le parcours suivant, qui obligera les coureurs à se découvrir loin de l'arrivée :!
    cote de wanne-mur des hezalles-cote de stockeu-cote de haute levee-cote du rosier-cote du maquisard- mont theux-cote de chambralles-cote de la redoute-cote de sprimont-cote des forges arrivée à liège boulevard savinière

    Je durcirais l'approche de stavelot avec le mur des hezalles à trois pont qui a disparu ces dernières années, surtout pour que la redoute fasse la sélection je réintroduis chambralles emprunté en 1989.
    Chambralles c'est peut être la cote la plus dure dans les environs il y a environ 1700 mètre a 10% avec des passages à près de 20% , elle ne précede la redoute que de 7 km !

    Ensuite je supprime la roche au faucons-saint nicolass-et ans pour revenir à l'arrivee classique forges boulevard de la sauvinière à liège

    | maziro | dimanche 25 mars 2012 om 13h09

  6. Kunt u mij vertellen waar ik de route kan vinden van Luik-*Bastenaken-Luik.
    Ik ben een toeschouwer. Bijvoorbaat dank.

    | van Wilgenburg | dimanche 25 mars 2012 om 14h08

  7. @van Wilgenburg: het parcours voor 2012 is nog niet officieel aangekondigd dus ik durf niet te zeggen of het wijzigt ten opzichte van 2011. Het parcours van 2011 is in ieder geval terug te vinden in het artikel Het parcours van Luik-Bastenaken-Luik 2011 op Google Maps/Google Earth en het tijds- en routeschema.

    | Thomas Vergouwen | mardi 27 mars 2012 om 00h07

  8. Non, je préfère le parcours actuel que l'arrivée Boulevard de la Sauveniere , plus d 'arrivée au sprint comme avant ( Argentin avec Criquielion) chaque fois la même chose.

    | Doppee | vendredi 30 mars 2012 om 13h11

  9. Zat vorig jaar op 200 meter vd finish in de haakse bocht, finish is zo buiten het centrum dat ik zicht had op het laatste stuk vals plat en de 200m. tot de finish, kosten 1 biertje bij Jupiler cafe/terras 1 stoel aan tafel kost gewoon 1 biertje en toen vlak voor de aankomst Astana ging filmen van terras kreeg ik voor afstaan tafel gewoon ook uitgebreid kebab buffet aangeboden door Astana, dus gewoon gaan en zorg dat je 1,5 uur van tevoren relaxt nog kan zitten. ps het grote scherm hing rechts van mij, prima te zien wel steil naar boven kijken en frans commentaar, neem de trein Gare Liege zelfde architect die monument 9/11 doet, verder is luik vies en armoedig en goedkoop, maar gare central is zo mooi

    | joost brantas | samedi 31 mars 2012 om 21h49

  10. Le parcours sera donc le même que l'an dernier.
    Il me semble que c'est la dernière année du "contrat" qui lie aso à la ville d'ans peut être que quelqu'un pourrait me le confirmer.
    Si c'est le cas 2013 pourrait être l'occasion pour aso de revenir à une arrivéé boulevard de la sauvenière.
    Je ne suis pas du tout fans de saint nicolas et d'ans, comme je l'ai déjà indiqué, je milite pour un retour via l'enchainement redoute-forges puis arrivéee centre de liège.
    Forges n'étant pas sélectif on peut imaginer le retour plus en amont des murs de hézalles et de la cote de lorcé, voir ajouter chambralles avant la redoute...
    Pour moi ce parcours oblige les favoris a durcir la course en amont , ça évite la processions des dernières éditions, l'escamotage de la redoute pour la roche aux faucons, moi ca me aso a la bonne idée de finir par redoute-forges c'est le retour des grands liège bastogne liège...

    | maziro | mercredi 11 avril 2012 om 22h58

  11. Arrivée à Ans jusqu'en 2018 minimum ...

    | michel g | jeudi 12 avril 2012 om 19h44

  12. Where can we find a list of results for all of the riders, not just the top 5? BTW - great job USA!

    | DeeKay | samedi 14 avril 2012 om 19h40

  13. @DeeKay: for which race? LBL is about to take place next Sunday ...

    | Thomas Vergouwen | lundi 16 avril 2012 om 10h57

  14. quelq'un peut me renseigner ..dans quelle côte est il possible d'aller voir la course avec un camping-car et je supposse qu'il est préfèrable d'arriver la veille..merci pour les info..

    | cavyn | lundi 16 avril 2012 om 18h00

  15. Pour cavin:
    Sommet ou pied du rosier
    Pied redoute
    Veille préférable.

    | michel g stoumont belgique | lundi 16 avril 2012 om 18h49

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