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  • 1 video:
    • The RMC advertising caravan at the departure in Dunkirk (922x)
  • 17 photographs:
    • The RMC advertising caravan on the Piazza Tancredi Duccio Galimberti, Cuneo, Italy (604x)RMC (4) (642x)RMC (3) (545x)
      RMC (2) (553x)RMC (1) (564x)RMC (5) (535x)The RMC advertising caravan in Lannemezan (2) (348x)
      The RMC advertising caravan in Lannemezan (1) (377x)Patrice Clerc is being interviewed by RMC (French radio) (617x)The RMC advertising caravan (5) (451x)The RMC advertising caravan (4) (449x)
      The firemen- and RMC advertising caravans at the parking in Marseille (416x)The RMC advertising caravan (3) (483x)The RMC advertising caravan (2) (462x)The RMC advertising caravan (1) (447x)
      The RMC advertising caravan at the parking in Bourg-en-Bresse (586x)Luc Leblanc in the Village Départ (1704x)
  • 9 news posts:
    • Marion Rousse director of the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift, the sponsors and ... the end of the Le Coq Sportif sponsorship?

      Marion Rousse director of the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift, the sponsors and ... the end of the Le Coq Sportif sponsorship?While she was commenting Paris-Tours on France Télévisions, Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O.), the organisor of the Tour de France and starting next year also of the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift, announced that Marion Rousse becomes the director of this new feminin version of the race.

      On RMC, Christian Prudhomme commented this announcement and also discussed the financial question of female races and thus necessarily the question about sponsors. And that gives us the occasion to talk about Le Coq Sportif as well .. or rather about its removal as a sponsor of the Tour, in a difficult financial context for the French brand.

      Marion Rousse, director of the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift

      If you are only a bit interested in cycling, you most probably know already that starting from 2022, the Tour de France Femmes will make its bi ...

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    • All you need to know about the presentation of the 2011 Tour de France

      All you need to know about the presentation of the 2011 Tour de FranceAfter the usual search for the rumours about the stages and the route of the 2011 Tour de France, it will finally be unveiled during the official presentation of the Tour de France 2011 next Tuesday, 19 October 2011.

      This presentatie will take place in the Palais des Congrès at Porte Maillot in Paris from 11.00AM and is invitation only.

      But don't panic ... the presentation will also be available live on the Internet!

      The programme

      At 11.30AM the show really starts and allows to get some certainty about how the Tour de France 2011 will look like. This show will follow the following programme:
      - projection of the video summary "best of" ...

      > Read the whole story | 8 comments | shown 9822x
    • The future of the Bbox Bouygues Telecom team will soon be decided!

      The future of the Bbox Bouygues Telecom team will soon be decided!

      initially published on 27 September 2010 at 0.02AM, updated on 2 October at 4.04PM

      Europcar is the new sponsor ...

      more information at the end of this articleProbably no one missed out on Jean-René Bernaudeau having a hard time since a few months. All eyes of the cycling world are pointed to the team from the French Vendée department because of the doubts on the future of this team. New sponsor? End of the team? From rumour till rumour, from false news till denials, Bernaudeau's search for a new sponsor hasn't been easy the past year ...

      The search for a new sponsor

      It all started with the announcement of Bouygues Telecom ending its sponsoring in 2009 - sponsor since 2005. For the Vendéen (Jean-René Bernaudeau was born in the Vendée himself) it's out of the for the team to stop. This would indeed mean the end of an adventure which started in 2000 with the sponsor Bonjour. Bernaudeau thus starts his search for a new sponso ...

      > Read the whole story | 4 comments | shown 6259x
    • The Tour de France advertising caravan continues without RMC as its official radio

      The Tour de France advertising caravan continues without RMC as its official radioThe French radio station for news, talkshows and sports, RMC, which in 2005 became the official advertising caravan radio station for the Tour de France, will no longer be able to use that title from 2009. On 3 October the station received a letter from A.S.O. in which the Tour de France organisor (among other sports events) ended the negotiations to renew the 3-year contract which will end this year.

      RMC at home for the start of the Tour de France 2009

      At the start of the Tour de France 2009 RMC will thus stay at home in two ways: first of all because the station has its roots in Monaco (when it started in July 1943 it was called Radio Monte-Carlo) and because the Tour de France 2009 will start in Monaco, but also because it will no longer be part of the advertising caravan. ...

      > Read the whole story | no comments yet | shown 5477x
    • The final result of the decoration contest of the Tour de France 2008 has been announced

      The final result of the decoration contest of the Tour de France 2008 has been announcedEvery year during the Tour de France a decoration contest is organised for the cities and towns where the Tour passes. This year this contest was organised by Doublet who created the contest 7 years ago, in collaboration with A.S.O..
      During the Tour de France and for each of the stage one city or town was chosen as the stage winner. On Wednesday 26 November the final winners will get their prize during the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales in Paris.

      The contest's jury, presided (like for all previous editions) by Bernard Hinault, was composed of Agnès Gougeat for A.S.O., Gaëlle Colaert for Doublet, Benoît Petit for the French press agency AFP, Jean-Louis Filc for the RMC radio station, Jérôme Le Gall who represente ...

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    • Paris-Nice 2008: the track and stages, participating riders and the official partners

      Paris-Nice 2008: the track and stages, participating riders and the official partners

      initially published on February 20, 2008 at 0h11
      first update on March 4, 2008 at 22h28
      This article has unfortunately not (yet) been translated in English. Below you'll find the French version or you can click here for the Dutch version.
      Based on the number of visitors and/or comments below, I might decide to publish the English translation later on ...

      Le 14 novembre dernier je vous annonçais déjà que Paris-Nice ne part pas de Paris cette année, mercredi dernier vous avez découvert ici les équipes participantes et aujourd'hui c'est le parcours et les coureurs qui participeront à Paris-Nice 2008 que vous découvrirez dans cet article !
      A la fin de l'article vous trouverez également quelques informations sur les partenaires officiels de ce

      > Read the whole story | 7 comments | shown 29334x
    • Monaco has been confirmed for the 'Grand Départ' of the Tour de France 2009

      Monaco has been confirmed for the 'Grand Départ' of the Tour de France 2009As I already announced in my article on 19 June 2007, the Tour de France 2009 will start in Monaco ...

      On the website the organisor of the Tour de France (A.S.O.) has officially announced on 22 November 2007 that the Grand Départ of the Tour de France 2009 will take place in Monaco!

      In the press release in which this was announced we read:

      MonacoAfter the phenomenal success of the start of the Tour from London in 2007 and before the immense celebration promised in Brittany in 2008, the organisers of the Tour de France confirm that Monaco will host the Start of the 2009 Tour de France.

      In the presence of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II an official presentation will take place at 2.00

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    • 4 weeks in the life of a Tour de France follower, last part

      4 weeks in the life of a Tour de France follower, last partWhile Denis Menchov was wearing the 'golden' general ranking leader jersey in the Vuelta a España (Tour of Spain) at his arrival in Madrid, I finally write the last blog post about 'my' Tour de France!

      As I announced it here some time ago, I worked on the Tour de France during the month of July to create the blog Orange dans le Tour.

      On the 'Orange dans le Tour' blog I gave a look behind the scenes of the Tour and that's why I did a lot of different things in the Tour de France 2007: the advertising caravan (Panach', Festina, Skoda), the advertising caravan direction, Mavic, des journées avec deux équipes (AG2R et Caisse d'Epargne), France Télévisions, but of course also some days in one of the Orange 'avant-course' cars.

      My experience of 4 weeks in the Tour in 4 blog posts comple

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    • Events around the Tour de France 2007

      Events around the Tour de France 2007UPDATE 9 April 2007: information on the Jeunes Reporters du Tour programme organised by Vélo 101 and ASO added
      UPDATE 18 April 2007: extra information about A chacun son Tour + addition press accreditation at the end of the article
      UPDATE 15 May 2007: link to an article on the selection of the Jeunes Reporters du Tour

      People who read this website regularly probably already know it: from July 7th till July 29th the yearly cycling tour, the Tour de France, will be organised again.

      Starting in London and in addition to the many stages in France, this year also with some sidestops in Belgium and Spain (you can also read my blog post about the Tour de France 2007 on this) this of course is an event in itself, but this blog post is about the other events which are organised around the Tour de France!

      In their order of appearance of 2007's calendar the ...

      > Read the whole story | 2 comments | shown 3147x

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