Riis Cycling, looking for a new sponsor to take up the place left by CSC at the end of this year, has found a new partner in Saxo Bank, an online investment bank.
In the mean time, Saxo Bank has immediately become the Danish team's co-sponsor. Therefore, in the Tour de France the team's riders will already defend the colours of the two brands with Team CSC/Saxo Bank as their team name.
This co-sponsoring contract ends at the end of this year when CSC will stop its sponsoring and Saxo Bank become's the team's main sponsor; the team will than become Team Saxo Bank.
The contract will run for 3 years, so the team now has a new sponsor until the end of 2011.
Bjarne Riis, the team's owner, indicated to have found the perfect partner for the future: We are extremely proud to become associated with such a strong brand and a company that has a great passion for our team and our values. It has been a pleasure closing a deal with such dedicated and professional people as Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen. From day one, we have found a great understanding and this promises to become a first class collaboration for the years to come.
The two people Riis mentions are the founders and directors of the company who explained they have been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time now: For a global bank like ours, this is the perfect match and when it became possible, we just could not let this chance pass by. Team CSC Saxo Bank has the international reach and name recognition that means that we will be able to get our message out to most of our clients group around the globe. We love the sport, we trust Bjarne Riis, and believe that together we will be winners!
CSC sponsored the team since 2001, one year after Bjarne Riis took over the team.
QuickStep and Tom Boonen

The press conference finally has been advanced one day and the announcement of the extension of the contract was pretty much overshadowed by the team's top sprinter, Tom Boonen, being caught for the use of cocaine.
Boonen, who refused to answer questions from journalists indicated he's not perfect and apologised for what he did by saying: My name has been in the news quite negatively lately. I realise that I hurt my family, my friends, my team and my fans in this way. I would really like to apologise for that.
I know that many people - young and old - put a lot of trust in me. I clearly realise that I have to show the right example and that I didn't do that lately. I admit I went "off the road" sometimes and not only litterally. But: I'm not perfect either. I will accept the consequences. You'll probably understand that, despite what has been said and written - correctly or incorrectly -, I will not defend myself here and now.
I will slow down a little bit in the upcoming days to get over the emotions. Fortunately I can count on the support of my relatives for that. I know that I can also count on the support of the team and I'm really grateful for that.
I also hope my fans will show their understanding. I promiss them I will be back and that they can -more than ever- count on my unconditional effort..
At the same time the team announced its continued support of its top sprinter by extending his contract with 3 years as well.
Boonen, banned from participating in the Tour de Suisse and the Tour de France by both races' organisors, will probably try to avoid the press in the next few weeks to try to get his personal things organised ... door Thomas Vergouwen
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this publication is published in: Doping | Marketing | Tour de France | Tour de France 2008 | Cycling general (except Tour de France)
Ja, die Boonen! Excuses ja: Het is gewoon SUPERSTOM wat hij gedaan heeft.
Van cocaïne ga je niet eens harder fietsen. Enige voordeel zou kunnen zijn dat je er snel(ler) wat gewicht mee kwijt kunt raken. Kan wel eens nodig zijn wanneer je van andere middeltjes te veel gaat "uitdijen"!!!???
les jo arrivent j espere qu ils vont soulever le probleme de dopage aussi ,car y en a marre de se servir du cyclisme pour evoquer ce fleau , comme ci les autres sportifs ne se dopaient pas , faut arreter de mettre ca sur le tour de france ,j ai entendue a la radio un monsieur qui dit ne plus regarder le tour a cause du dopage , n importe quoi ..!! c est revoltant, moi je ne cesserais jamais de regarder, il ne faut pas mettre tout le monde dans le meme panier , dans toutes les disciplines ainsi que la vie de tout les jours,il y a des tricheurs , ce , n est pas une raison de nous privés de ces jolie images.Il est honteux aussi de la part des spectateurs sur lebord des routes de lancer des bouteilles d urine au visage des coureurs ,comme en a été victime NICOLAS JALABERT;C est pas plus intelligent que ceux qui se dopent, dsl mais y a vraiment des cons,c est honteux ,je n ai vraiment pas de mots pour exprimer mes sentiments sur de tels agissement , s ils n aiment pas le cyclismes qu ils restent chez eux a faire du jardinage ou a apprendre la tolerance , le civisme et le savoir vivre ,beaucoup en manque.JE DIS VIVE LE TOUR DE FRANCE
le cyclisme est le seul sport qui fait vraiment le "menage"en ce qui concerne ledopage alors il y en a "ras le bol"de montre le velo du doigt des que le sujet est evoque que les autres federations sportives (foot tennis ect..)osent chercher un peu mieux et on seraient tristement surpris....
Spćndende for Saxo Bank. Hvad med 2012?