Alberto Contador (Astana) maakt een schietgebaar

Alberto Contador (Astana) maakt een schietgebaar

Parijs-Nice 2009 - eerste etappe Amilly (tijdrit) | zondag 08 maart 2009 om 17u21 | 2052 keer | Bekijk de Exif data van deze foto


Er zijn 2 reacties!
  1. I really really do not like the handgun shot sign that Contador does. It is so low class and shows that he is an uneducated person.
    Cycling is not about shooting not death. Cycling is about celebrating life and triumph. What's the matter with him?!
    I know he likes hunting. Whatever. But what does hunting have to do anything with cycling?
    I have to admit that he is an excellent cyclist but unfortunately it doesn't make me happy when he wins a stage or race because I know what I'm going to see from him when he crosses the finish line. A handgun shot sign=killing=death. Pathetic.

    | Livingstrong (Dr. Martha Castro, MD) | zondag 19 juli 2009 om 23u41

  2. Sorry, I didn't comment about your beautiful photography work, I just got carried away about he handgun shot sign.
    You have a wonderful blog and your photos are really a work of art and perfection. I bookmarked your site and I will be visiting very often.
    Now I'm going to Twit your site.

    | Livingstrong (Dr. Martha Castro, MD) | zondag 19 juli 2009 om 23u55

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