Photographs > Classic Loire Atlantique 2017

Below you can find an overview of the 37 photographs from the category Classic Loire Atlantique 2017. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Kévin Reza (FDJ) (861x)
Marc Fournier (FDJ) (789x)
The peloton at the start (612x)
The peloton goes off for the Classic Loire Atlantique 2017 (675x)
Kévin Le Cunff, Benoît Cosnefroy & Marc Fournier broke away rather quickly (625x)
The peloton chasing the breakaway (733x)
Perrig Quémeneur (Direct Energie) (837x)
The breakaway in the wineyards (742x)
The breakaway in the wineyards (2) (699x)
The peloton in the wineyards (769x)
The breakaway in front of the church in Saint-Fiacre-sur-Maine (808x)
Yann Guyot (Armée de Terre) in front of the church in Saint-Fiacre (858x)
The peloton in front of the church in Saint Fiacre-sur-Maine (2) (706x)
The peloton in front of the church in Saint Fiacre-sur-Maine (657x)
The breakaway with Marc Fournier (FDJ), Benoît Cosnefroy (France) and Kévin Le Cunff (HP BTP-Auber 93) (937x)
A chasing group just outside Saint Fiacre (797x)
The peloton in a long single line just outside Saint Fiacre (742x)
The breakaway on top of the côte de Saint Fiacre (2) (905x)