UCI Wielerkalender 2013 | Tour of China I 2013
Tour of China I 2013
Vond plaats van zaterdag 14 september 2013 tot en met zaterdag 21 september 2013.
In de UCI kalender ...
- vindt plaats in China
- maakt onderdeel uit van de Asia Tour 2013
- klasse 2.1 - 1ste categorie etappekoersen
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The link to the "official website" only has info for the 2012 race. Is there a 2013 schedule/updated website of the Tour of China available?
Hi Evan,
This is the link to the official website of the race so no, I don't have any more recent information about the 2013 race. Maybe the organisor of the race will update its website in the upcoming days or weeks.