Calendrier cycliste UCI 2016 | Silver City's Tour of the Gila 2016

  • Silver City's Tour of the Gila 2016


    A eu lieu du mercredi 04 mai 2016 au dimanche 08 mai 2016.


    Dans le calendrier UCI ...

    America Tour

    Résultat / Classement général final

    1/ Lachlan Morton (Jelly Belly powered by Maxxis) - 12h24'48"
    2/ Alexander Cataford (Silber Pro Cycling) - +1'06"
    3/ Rob Britton (Rally Cycling) - +1'10"
    4/ Javier Acevedo (Team Jamis) - +1'42"
    5/ Daniel Alexander Jaramillo Diez (UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling Team) - +1'59"

    Plus d'informations ...

    Accédez au site web officiel de Silver City's Tour of the Gila 2016


    Étapes/Parcours et résultats (si disponibles)

    mercredi 04 mai 2016 1/ Silver City > Mogollon 148.1 km 1/ Lachlan Morton (Jelly Belly powered by Maxxis) - 3h09'48"
    2/ Rob Britton (Rally Cycling) - +0'25"
    3/ Daniel Alexander Jaramillo (UnitedHealthCare Professional Cycling Team) - +1'15"
    4/ Sepp Kuss - +1'19"
    5/ Matthew Busche (UnitedHealthCare Professional Cycling Team) - +1'36"
    jeudi 05 mai 2016 2/ Fort Bayard > Fort Bayard 122.6 km 1/ Travis McCabe (Holowesko/Citadel powered by Hincapie Sportswear) - 3h04'38"
    2/ Marco Canola (UnitedHealthCare Professional Cycling Team)
    3/ Neilson Powless (Axeon-Hagens Berman) - +0'02"
    4/ Lachlan Morton (Jelly Belly powered by Maxxis)
    5/ Alexander Cataford (Silber Pro Cycling)
    vendredi 06 mai 2016 3/ Tyrone > Tyrone (ITT) 26.6 km 1/ Tom Zirbel (Rally Cycling) - 34'29"20.
    2/ Alexander Cataford (Silber Pro Ccling) - +0'06"72.
    3/ Neilson Powless (Axeon-Hagens Berman) - +0'15"08.
    4/ Robin Carpenter (Holowesko/Citadel powered by Hincapie Sportswear) - +0'16"02.
    5/ Matteo Dal-Cin (Silber Pro Cycling) - +0'26"60.
    samedi 07 mai 2016 4/ Silver City > Silver City (40 laps x 1.74 km) 69.5 km
    dimanche 08 mai 2016 5/ Silver City > Pinos Altos 161.9 km 1/ Daniel Alexander Jaramillo Diez (UnitedHealthCare Professional Cycling Team) - 4h04'52"
    2/ Javier Acevedo (Team Jamis) - +0'03"
    3/ Tao Geoghegan Hart (Axeon-Hagens Berlan) - +0'14"
    4/ Rob Britton (Rally Cycling)
    5/ Jonathan Clarke (UnitedHealthCare Professional Cycling Team)
    distance totale 528.7 km

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