Calendrier cycliste UCI 2013 | Paris-Nice 2013


Actuellement il y a 4 commentaires!
  1. May I have any update to this page, thanks.

    | Tim Bird | samedi 27 octobre 2012 om 18h33

  2. @Tim: I just added a link to my article with the rumours on the race route :).

    | Thomas Vergouwen | samedi 29 décembre 2012 om 17h09

  3. would it be possible to give info as to whether or the races are being televised and if so which channels we can expect to find them on and when. please.

    | izzie | mardi 26 février 2013 om 14h32

  4. @izzie: you can find this information at the end of the article with the list of participating riders and their numbers.

    In addition to this article, you can also find the Paris-Nice 2013 race route on Google Maps.

    | Thomas Vergouwen | dimanche 03 mars 2013 om 01h00

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