UCI Wielerkalender 2020 | New Zealand Cycle Classic 2020

  • New Zealand Cycle Classic New Zealand Cycle Classic 2020


    Vond plaats van woensdag 15 januari 2020 tot en met zondag 19 januari 2020.


    In de UCI kalender ...

    Oceania Tour

    Resultaat / Eindklassement

    1/ Rylee Field (Team Bridgelane) - 15h18'08"
    2/ Aaron Gate (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy) - +0'25"
    3/ Corbin Strong (New-Zealand) - +0'41"
    4/ Hayden McCormick (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy) - +0'48"
    5/ Kees Duyvesteyn (Team Bridgelane) - +0'49"

    Meer informatie ...

    Bekijk de officiële website voor New Zealand Cycle Classic 2020


    Etappes/Parcours en resultaten (indien beschikbaar)

    woensdag 15 januari 2020 1/ Masterton > Masterton 122 km 1/ Aaron Gate (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy) - 2h49'41"
    2/ Jensen Plowright (Team Bridgelane)
    3/ Dylan Kennett (St George Continental Cycling Team) - +0'01"
    4/ Corbin Strong (New Zealand) - +0'03"
    5/ Ayden Toovey (Team Bridgelane)
    Aaron Gate - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Aaron Gate wins the first stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    donderdag 16 januari 2020 2/ Masterton > Masterton 121 km 1/ Campbell Stewart (New Zealand) - 2h36'15"
    2/ Nicholas Kergozou (Couplands Bakeries Team)
    3/ Jensen Plowright (Team BridgeLane)
    4/ Corbin Strong (New Zealand)
    5/ Liam Walsh (Futuro Pro Cycling)
    Campbell Stewart - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Campbell Stewart wins the second stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    vrijdag 17 januari 2020 3/ Masterton > Martinborough 127 km 1/ Jensen Plowright (Team BridgeLane) - 2h39'51"
    2/ Blake Quick (St George Continental Cycling Team)
    3/ Aaron Gate (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy)
    4/ Corbin Strong (New Zealand)
    5/ Luke Mudgway (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy)
    Jensen Plowright - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Jensen Plowright wins the third stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    zaterdag 18 januari 2020 4/ Masterton > Admiral Hill 175.6 km 1/ Rylee Field (Team BridgeLane) - 4h31'03"
    2/ Kees Duyvesteyn (Team BridgeLane) - +0'53"
    3/ Aaron Gate (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy)
    4/ Thomas Lebas (Kinan Cycling Team)
    5/ Corbin Strong (New-Zealand)
    Rylee Field - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Rylee Field wins the fourth stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    zondag 19 januari 2020 5/ Masterton > Masterton 120 km 1/ Dylan Kennett (St George Continental Cycling Team) - 2h41'09"
    2/ Jensen Plowright (Team Bridgelane)
    3/ Corbin Strong (New-Zealand)
    4/ Thomas Bolton (Oliver's Real Food Racing)
    5/ Kakeru Omae (Aisan Racing Team)
    Dylan Kennett - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Dylan Kennett wins the fifth stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    totaalafstand 665.6 km

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