Calendrier cycliste UCI 2020 | New Zealand Cycle Classic 2020

  • New Zealand Cycle Classic New Zealand Cycle Classic 2020


    A eu lieu du mercredi 15 janvier 2020 au dimanche 19 janvier 2020.


    Dans le calendrier UCI ...

    Oceania Tour

    Résultat / Classement général final

    1/ Rylee Field (Team Bridgelane) - 15h18'08"
    2/ Aaron Gate (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy) - +0'25"
    3/ Corbin Strong (New-Zealand) - +0'41"
    4/ Hayden McCormick (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy) - +0'48"
    5/ Kees Duyvesteyn (Team Bridgelane) - +0'49"

    Plus d'informations ...

    Accédez au site web officiel de New Zealand Cycle Classic 2020


    Étapes/Parcours et résultats (si disponibles)

    mercredi 15 janvier 2020 1/ Masterton > Masterton 122 km 1/ Aaron Gate (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy) - 2h49'41"
    2/ Jensen Plowright (Team Bridgelane)
    3/ Dylan Kennett (St George Continental Cycling Team) - +0'01"
    4/ Corbin Strong (New Zealand) - +0'03"
    5/ Ayden Toovey (Team Bridgelane)
    Aaron Gate - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Aaron Gate wins the first stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    jeudi 16 janvier 2020 2/ Masterton > Masterton 121 km 1/ Campbell Stewart (New Zealand) - 2h36'15"
    2/ Nicholas Kergozou (Couplands Bakeries Team)
    3/ Jensen Plowright (Team BridgeLane)
    4/ Corbin Strong (New Zealand)
    5/ Liam Walsh (Futuro Pro Cycling)
    Campbell Stewart - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Campbell Stewart wins the second stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    vendredi 17 janvier 2020 3/ Masterton > Martinborough 127 km 1/ Jensen Plowright (Team BridgeLane) - 2h39'51"
    2/ Blake Quick (St George Continental Cycling Team)
    3/ Aaron Gate (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy)
    4/ Corbin Strong (New Zealand)
    5/ Luke Mudgway (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy)
    Jensen Plowright - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Jensen Plowright wins the third stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    samedi 18 janvier 2020 4/ Masterton > Admiral Hill 175.6 km 1/ Rylee Field (Team BridgeLane) - 4h31'03"
    2/ Kees Duyvesteyn (Team BridgeLane) - +0'53"
    3/ Aaron Gate (Black Spoke Pro Cycling Academy)
    4/ Thomas Lebas (Kinan Cycling Team)
    5/ Corbin Strong (New-Zealand)
    Rylee Field - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Rylee Field wins the fourth stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    dimanche 19 janvier 2020 5/ Masterton > Masterton 120 km 1/ Dylan Kennett (St George Continental Cycling Team) - 2h41'09"
    2/ Jensen Plowright (Team Bridgelane)
    3/ Corbin Strong (New-Zealand)
    4/ Thomas Bolton (Oliver's Real Food Racing)
    5/ Kakeru Omae (Aisan Racing Team)
    Dylan Kennett - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    Dylan Kennett wins the fifth stage of the New Zealand Cycle Classic - © Dave Lintott/Lintott Photography
    distance totale 665.6 km

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