Copyright - © 2002-2025, Thomas Vergouwen

The different objects (photos, videos, texts, etc.) which can be found on this website are all the exclusive property of Thomas Vergouwen. If you would like to use one or more objects available on this website for any reason, this is possible as long as you follow the following rules:

  • for the use of photos as your desktop background no specific approval is needed from me (this is thus not valid for use as background on a website for example); however, it will be a pleasure for me to receive a short e-mail in which you tell me which photo you're using and why you have chosen that specific photo (just drop me a short note). Alternatively, and even better for the interactivity of this website, you can drop a short note using the reaction form underneath the picture!!

  • for non commercial use (i.e. the use of an object by a private person without any profit goal) of any object for another use as the above mentioned is also possible for free. Before you use the object you should first inform me by e-mail or by phone of the planned use of the object and wait for my approval. When informing me, please state as clearly as possible which object you are willing to use, how you would like to use this object and any other interesting information about the pretended use of this object (such as a description of the project you would be using it for)
    When I approve the use of this object for the goal you described, you can immediately and for an undetermined period use the object while mentioning the following source reference (including the link): © Thomas Vergouwen,

  • commercial use is only possible after consulting me about the way to use an object and the corresponding price (depending on the goal of the use, etc.). Please contact me by e-mail or by phone for this

I hope you enjoy watching this site and that you'll leave your comments on it!!