Photographs > Varese 2008: surroundings, nature, nice views and the Mapei Cycling Stadium

Below you can find an overview of the 60 photographs from the category Varese 2008: surroundings, nature, nice views and the Mapei Cycling Stadium. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Busto Arsizio: as soon as I arrived at the station I put my sun charger in the sun so it would get some energy which would be useful to charge my phone later on (593x)
The Busto Arsizio station, a stop on my way to Varese (615x)
A church tower in Gazzada Schianno (653x)
The Varese World Championships logo on a roundabout (644x)
These Dutch fans from Bergen op Zoom arrived early (503x)
A swan in the Lake of Varese (523x)
Swans in the Lake of Varese (550x)
A burnt wooden cabin (1004x)
View of Capolago / Cascina Galgino (571x)
François-Xavier & Florence at the lake of Varese (629x)
Rainbow decoration for the cycling World Championships (1) (584x)
Rainbow decoration for the cycling World Championships (2) (569x)
Wall painting for the cycling World Championships (545x)
One of the many bikes in the shop windows - look at this speed change mechanism! (456x)
The tower of the Madonnina in Prato church (578x)
The Madonnina in Prato church (645x)
Pictures of the winners of previous World Cycling Championships (608x)
A child clothes shop with a Prealpino bike for a child (622x)