Photographs > Cyclo cross Moussy-le-Vieux (FDJ)

Below you can find an overview of the 57 photographs from the category Cyclo cross Moussy-le-Vieux (FDJ). On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Sandy Casar (FDJ) before the start (684x)
Arnaud Démare already celebrates a fictional victory (662x)
Jérémy Roy & Arnaud Démare at the start (965x)
Jérémy Roy (FDJ) at the start (683x)
Cédric Pineau (FDJ) at the start (593x)
Jérémy Roy (FDJ) rapidly leading (548x)
Jérémy Roy (FDJ) descending (544x)
Christophe Delamarre (Les Bleus de France), who turned out to be the winner (537x)
Arnaud Démare in the descent (560x)
Nacer Bouhanni (FDJ) (563x)
Cédric Pineau (FDJ) descending (525x)
Jérémy Roy (FDJ) & Christophe Delamarre (Les Bleus de France) (585x)
Nacer Bouhanni & Cédric Pineau (FDJ) (713x)
Cédric Pineau (FDJ) & Arnaud Démare (632x)
Jérémy Roy (FDJ) & Christophe Delamarre (Les Bleus de France) (2) (884x)
Jérémy Roy (FDJ) tearing at the front of the race (647x)
Sandy Casar (FDJ) (541x)
Geoffrey Soupe (FDJ) (577x)