Photographs > Visit of 12 French to The Netherlands

Below you can find an overview of the 95 photographs from the category Visit of 12 French to The Netherlands. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Bernard, Aude & Marie-Laure (255x)
Bernard & Stefan in front of my beer bottle collection (356x)
Virginie & Ludivine (225x)
Discovering the bathroom: Bernard, Fabian & Marie-Laure (198x)
Still in bed!! (231x)
Aude (233x)
Virginie (Bocco) (216x)
Virginie (Bocco) in front of her favorite picture ;-) (228x)
Fabian & Virginie (256x)
Virginie, Marie-Laure, Virginie, Anne-Cécile & Bernard (305x)
Eating 'breakfast' (239x)
Eating 'breakfast' (220x)
Eating 'breakfast' (255x)
In the woods: Wil, Virginie, Virginie, Marie-Laure, Aude & Ludivine (265x)
In the woods: Virginie, Marie-Laure, Florent & Aude (257x)
In the woods: Florent & Skibby (202x)
In the woods: Marie-Laure & Aude (219x)
In the woods: Beau digging for ??? (192x)