Photographs > Poland

Below you can find an overview of the 112 photographs from the category Poland. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Our welcome meal in Poland (278x)
Our hosts: Ewa and Krzysziek (276x)
Krzysziek and Cédric read the guide 'Pologne' (247x)
The theater of Warsaw (236x)
Isa & Ninie in front of the theater of Warsaw (226x)
Royal Palace in Warsaw (232x)
The tower of the Royal Palace in Warsaw (235x)
Street face to the Royal Palace in Warsaw (228x)
Cédric at the inner court of the Royal Palace in Warsaw (247x)
A part of the Royal Palace in Warsaw in a complete other style (232x)
3 May party in Warsaw (266x)
The Old Market Square (287x)
The smallest house in Warsaw: the size of one door (1465x)
Kanonia Square in Warsaw: Ninie & Bocco (508x)
A tree in front of coloured houses in Warsaw (444x)
Tulipes in Warsaw (443x)
Presidential Palace in Warsaw (529x)
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Monument (408x)