Photographs > Tour de France 2006 - 1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit "caravane publicitaire"

Below you can find an overview of the 25 photographs from the category Tour de France 2006 - 1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit "caravane publicitaire". On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Have a look on the videos from this category as well!!

>> Read my story about this day in the caravane publicitaire of La Vache Qui Rit in the Tour de France (in French only for now ...)!

The 118 712 caravane of France Telecom / Orange on their truck (1028x)
The cars before our departure - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (1426x)
Our car for that day  - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (1079x)
The La Vache Qui Rit packaging and one of the cars on a roundabout - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (842x)
The La Vache Qui Rit packaging and one of the cars at the bend - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (983x)
A Pik & Croq car lonely in the French mountains - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (903x)
The cars are now behind us - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (881x)
A nice church and a nice view on our way - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (2199x)
A very nice view on our way - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (1202x)
Oh oh ... they get away from us!! - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (944x)
The La Vach Qui Rit truck - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (843x)
The La Vach Qui Rit truck 2 - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (805x)
La Clusaz - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (786x)
We're passing one of the Pik & Croq' cars - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (939x)
The cars are now behind us - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (793x)
Refill: Thibault is getting rid of the packaging - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (765x)
Refill: and 2 old men are watching - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (1092x)
Our car in the sun 1 - [1 day in the La Vache Qui Rit 'caravane'] (823x)