Photographs > Boston

Below you can find an overview of the 152 photographs from the category Boston. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

[Boston] - Statue of one of the soldiers in Concord (461x)
Me with our rental car (451x)
Me with our rental car (446x)
[Boston] - A lake near Concord (440x)
[Boston] - A lake near Concord (375x)
[Boston] - A lake near Concord (196x)
[Boston] - A lake near Concord (182x)
[Boston] - A turtle in Concord (202x)
[Boston] - Todd, Pascal & Delphine (230x)
[Boston] - The plane back to Paris the others took ... (189x)
[Boston] - The sun above the clouds in the plane (202x)
[Boston] - The sun above the clouds from the airplane (234x)
[Boston] - Sun and clouds seen from the airplane (267x)
We already saw the first real American girl at the airport in Paris (196x)
Fehmi and Simon in the plane on our way to Boston (201x)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (175x)
Boston's skyline (174x)
The skyline of Boston with a zoom on the State House (196x)