Photographs > Tour de France 2007 : advertising caravan

Below you can find an overview of the 157 photographs from the category Tour de France 2007 : advertising caravan. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Have a look on the videos from this category as well!!

The advertising caravan parking (651x)
A Cochonou van (1477x)
The advertising caravan parking with the X-Tra Minidou cars (756x)
LCL's advertising caravan's lion is waiting for the first stage (953x)
The Tour de France 2007 advertising caravan party (697x)
Orange in the advertising caravan (792x)
The SeaFrance boat ... the advertising caravan's one (830x)
Vision Plus in the advertising caravan (803x)
A pack of Nestlé Aquarel water bottles in the advertising caravan (1460x)
The Nestlé Aquarel 'church' in the advertising caravan (828x)
PMU in the advertising caravan (759x)
Etap Hotel in the advertising caravan (684x)
Haribo in the advertising caravan (1) (733x)
Haribo in the advertising caravan (1) (699x)
Le Faillitaire in the advertising caravan (756x)
The La Vache Qui Rit cow in the advertising caravan (753x)
Café Grand Mère ! (1195x)
The papers waiting in a Aujourd'hui en France car (865x)