Photographs > Tour de France 2007 : landscapes, nature and monuments

Below you can find an overview of the 135 photographs from the category Tour de France 2007 : landscapes, nature and monuments. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Seen from the Tour de France shuttle boat: a boat close to Rotherhithe Street (641x)
View from the Tour de France shuttle boat (2) (460x)
View from the Tour de France shuttle boat (1) (493x)
The Tower Bridge seen from the Tour de France shuttle boat (563x)
Butler's Wharf Ltd seen from the Tour de France shuttle boat (493x)
The Tower Bridge seen from the Tour de France shuttle boat (2) (600x)
The Tower Bridge seen from the Tour de France shuttle boat (3) (597x)
The Tower Bridge seen from the Tour de France shuttle boat (4) (558x)
Horse Guards Parade with the London Eye in the background (555x)
The Big Ben (1) (599x)
The Big Ben (2) (788x)
Approaching the Tower Bridge (494x)
The start of the Tower Bridge (558x)
The Tower Bridge (1) (661x)
The Tower Bridge (2) (620x)
The Tower Bridge (3) (591x)
A castle and many spectators! (498x)
View from the helicopter close to Canterbury (1) (517x)