Photographs > Tour de France 2008 : Orange, official partner

Below you can find an overview of the 21 photographs from the category Tour de France 2008 : Orange, official partner. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Orange's car in front of the Recouvrance (1) (446x)
Orange's car in front of the Recouvrance (2) (480x)
The Orange cars well aligned (430x)
Orange's stand in the Relais Etape in Fay-de-Bretagne (452x)
Marie-Atéa & Lydie, for Orange in the Relais Etape (442x)
Some of the screens in Alimage's truck in the Zone Technique (401x)
Alimage's truck (365x)
The Orange cars during lunch (459x)
The lunch spot between Aigurande and Super-Besse (558x)
A nice spot to lunch between Aigurande and Super-Besse (464x)
Even during lunch I'm still working! (463x)
Lunch, close to Ussel (449x)
Jacques Michaud's birthday was a reason to party (551x)
Jacques Michaud wearing a tube just like riders used to do (615x)
My parents and Harry & Francien, my fan club! (494x)
Rudy & Stéphane at the Orange car close to the Village Départ (531x)
The whole group: Eric, Patrice, Cécile, Jacques, Fabien, Marie-Atéa, Dominique, Lydie & Fred (1080x)
Orange waives the French flag in Italy! (628x)