Photographs > Tour de France 2008 : views, monuments and nature

Below you can find an overview of the 137 photographs from the category Tour de France 2008 : views, monuments and nature. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Brest, summer 2008 (707x)
The port of Brest (1) (571x)
The port of Brest (2) (610x)
The boat 'La recouvrance' (594x)
André Fuzin : painter in the Village Départ (871x)
A wall of cycling jerseys (611x)
T-shirt Auray (606x)
The Orange cars at Mur de Bretagne (800x)
Vive le Tour (Mur de Bretagne) (592x)
A church which seemed to be in the middle of the road (533x)
The signs with the directions for the Tour de France (739x)
The chairs for the Village Départ (524x)
Parts of the Village Départ (542x)
Decoration in Aigurande : the town hall (Hôtel de Ville) (653x)
Decoration in Aigurande : the green, yellow and polka dot jersey (570x)
Decoration in Aigurande : a bike at the window (608x)
Decoration in Aigurande : a decorated school (701x)
Decoration in Aigurande : a bike on a fence (646x)