Photographs > Tour de France 2008 : start and finish

Below you can find an overview of the 51 photographs from the category Tour de France 2008 : start and finish. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Start of the first stage : Brest > Plumelec (727x)
The finish in Plumelec (596x)
The start arch for the Auray > Saint-Brieuc stage (545x)
The start arch for the Auray > Saint-Brieuc stage (2) (556x)
The finish in Saint-Brieuc (528x)
The start arch for the Saint-Malo > Nantes stage (541x)
The Zone Technique at the finish in Nantes (1) (503x)
The Zone Technique at the finish in Nantes (2) (513x)
The finish in Cholet (437x)
The start arch for the Cholet > Châteauroux stage (566x)
The crowd at the start of the stage in Cholet (594x)
The real start of the Cholet > Châteauroux stage (587x)
The press room in Châteauroux (540x)
The start arch for the Aigurande > Super-Besse stage (1) (550x)
The start arch for the Aigurande > Super-Besse stage (2) (575x)
The finish in Super-Besse (532x)
The start arch for the Brioude > Aurillac stage (582x)
The banner announcing the start of the 7th stage Brioude > Aurillac (564x)