Photographs > Rhône Alpes Isère Tour 2011 : 1- Vaulx-Milieu > Saint-Savin

Below you can find an overview of the 41 photographs from the category Rhône Alpes Isère Tour 2011 : 1- Vaulx-Milieu > Saint-Savin. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Sébastien Joly (Saur-Sojasun) (601x)
The peloton before the start (587x)
The Rabobank Continental team (901x)
One minute of silence for Wouter Weylandt (585x)
Michel Baup, director of the Rhône Alpes Isère Tour (647x)
The peloton getting ready for the start (628x)
The first stage starts (637x)
Cédric Pineau (FDJ) (730x)
Daniel Diaz (VC La Pomme Marseille) (877x)
Aurélien Ribet (AVC Aix-en-Provence) & Daniel Diaz (VC La Pomme Marseille) (873x)
Nicolas Galvez (Vulco) & Fabien Alazard (VC Caladois) (1085x)
The peloton at the first sprint (673x)
Jérôme Cousin (Team Europcar) (665x)
Daniel Diaz (VC La Pomme Marseille) (748x)
Aurélien Ribet (AVC Aix-en-Provence) (693x)
Cédric Pineau (FDJ) (481x)
The peloton on the Côte de Rochefort (1) (533x)
The peloton on the Côte de Rochefort (2) (547x)