Photographs > Rhône Alpes Isère Tour 2011 : 2- Charvieux-Chavagneu > Toussieu

Below you can find an overview of the 41 photographs from the category Rhône Alpes Isère Tour 2011 : 2- Charvieux-Chavagneu > Toussieu. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

The riders wearing the different jerseys at the start (436x)
The white jersey, Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) (441x)
The green jersey, Gaëtan Bille (Wallonie-Bruxelles-Crédit Agricole) (422x)
The purple jersey, Jérémy Roy (FDJ) (606x)
The red jersey, Cédric Pineau (FDJ) (471x)
The peloton at the start of the 2nd stage (551x)
The yellow jersey, Sylvain Georges (BigMat-Auber 93) (669x)
Cédric Pineau (FDJ) (507x)
Jérémy Roy (FDJ) (437x)
Frederik Wilmann (Team Joker-Merida) & Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) (423x)
Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) (387x)
Kévin Pigaglio (Charvieu-Chavagneux) & Guillaume Faucon (BigMat-Auber 93) (514x)
The peloton on the Col des Fosses (412x)
Sylvain Georges (BigMat-Auber 93) in the peloton (486x)
Jules Pijourlet (Chambéry Cyclisme Formation) (594x)
Fabio Polazzi (Wallonie-Bruxelles-Crédit Agricole) (577x)
Justin Jules (VC La Pomme-Marseille) (658x)
Dimitri Le Boulch (BigMat-Auber 93) (647x)