2025 UCI cycling calendar | reminder service

  • Reminder service

    This reminder service allows you to receive an e-mail reminder of each of the races on the UCI cycling calendar one or more days before the start of the race. You can choose to receive a reminder for all races on the calendar or only for the races which correspond to the criteria you can enter below.

    If you define criteria for your notification, please note you can create as many notifications as you want. However, please note there's no verification on the unicity of your notifications. You can therefore receive several notifications for one specific race if your criteria overlap.

    Your e-mail address

    Notification delay
    I would like to be notified day(s) before the start of each race.
    Choice of the notification type
    all cycling races
    only the cycling races which correspond to the following criteria



    Attention!! In order to fight spam you need to answer the simple question below. The answer needs to be given as a number between 2 and 100. If your answer is not correct the other input in this form will be ignored.

    What is the result of two plus five ?