It's your Tour: your ideas for the upcoming editions of the Tour de France (or Spain or Italy)

  •   Tour de France numéro 12: De Lyon à Paris
    Un nouveau parcours au départ de Lyon et qui propose une première semaine avec le jura et le massif central avant les Pyrénnées et pour finir un final alpin difficille. è kilomètres de contre la montr...
    created by cadel evans on Sunday 01 November 2015 at 21h26 | last message by cadel evans on Thursday 12 November 2015 at 20h56
    viewed 1811 times | 7 messages

      Tour de France N°5 : De Versailles à Paris
    Un tour de France relativement montagneux, un départ au pied du château de Versailles puis un descente vers les Pyrénées en passant par le Cantal. Un passage dans les Alpes maritimes avant une remont...
    created by bose12 on Sunday 08 November 2015 at 11h26 | last message by cadel evans on Wednesday 11 November 2015 at 09h38
    viewed 1655 times | 2 messages

      Propositions d'amélioration des GT
    Dans ce topic je posterais des étapes retracées selon mes souhaits sur les Grands Tours de l'année prochaine.
    created by 1010 on Saturday 10 October 2015 at 22h11 | last message by 1010 on Thursday 05 November 2015 at 16h20
    viewed 1400 times | 10 messages

      Mon quatrième Tour fictif
    Un Tour de France résolument taillé pour les grimpeurs.
    created by Guillaume on Wednesday 28 October 2015 at 22h37 | last message by cadel evans on Wednesday 04 November 2015 at 21h06
    viewed 2145 times | 9 messages

      Tour de France de Bayonne à Paris
    Un tour de France où la montagne arrivera très vite avec les Pyrénées. S'en suit un abordage du massif central, puis le Mont Chauve et un chrono ardéchois. On remonte ensuite au travers des Alpes et d...
    created by gui_13r on tuesday 27 October 2015 at 18h01 | last message by bose12 on Monday 02 November 2015 at 21h47
    viewed 636 times | 3 messages

      Tour de France n°4 : Du Mont Saint Michel à Paris
    Je reprend le départ au Mont St Michel puis effectue une boucle dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre passant par la côte Atlantique, les Pyrénées traversant le massif Central pour finir dan...
    created by bose12 on Saturday 05 September 2015 at 15h05 | last message by André on Sunday 01 November 2015 at 14h39
    viewed 1157 times | 2 messages

      Critérium du Dauphiné
    Basé sur les premières infos officieuses de l'année prochaine y annonçant les Gets, le Ventoux et Gap, ce Dauphiné est résolument montagnard
    created by Feelclimb on Monday 26 October 2015 at 18h29 | last message by vinvin on Friday 30 October 2015 at 17h59
    viewed 795 times | 5 messages

      Paris-Nice, Dauphiné et Tour de France d'un même année
    Je présente les trois épreuves françaises à la suite. Elles sont toutes les trois montagneuses (même Paris-Nice !), avec un tour de France très montagneux, mais aussi "hors-dogmes".
    created by Aurélien M. on Sunday 18 October 2015 at 11h28 | last message by 1010 on Monday 26 October 2015 at 18h38
    viewed 2472 times | 5 messages

      Tour de France au départ de Chamonix
    Grand Départ de Haute-Savoie, avant un passage jurassien, le Morvan, une remontée jusqu'au Nord... et le reste est à découvrir
    created by Aurélien M. on Sunday 13 September 2015 at 16h42 | last message by Aurélien M. on Sunday 18 October 2015 at 10h54
    viewed 2166 times | 9 messages

      Mon 1er Tour sur Velowire!
    Mon 1er Tour de France sur Velowire: assez équilibré, peu de transferts, et une bonne répartition des étapes décisives sur les 3 semaines de course.
    created by Mathias on tuesday 29 September 2015 at 01h33 | last message by Aurélien M. on Friday 16 October 2015 at 18h02
    viewed 1369 times | 5 messages
  • Since a few years, has become your reference for all rumours about the race route of the upcoming edition of the Tour de France.

    While waiting to discover the future race course of the Tour or as a comment to a deception concerning the race route of the Tour de France, there have always been many of you who came to suggest imaginary Tour de France race routes, often picking up places where the Tour de France has never been and taking into account your own definitions of what an ideal Tour looks like.

    Following some exchanges we had about this in October/November 2011, now offers you a new section called "It's your Tour", the section you're currently looking at and which allows you to suggest your own ideas for a Tour de France in a forum like setup (either a specific edition or a race route which can theoretically be one of the future editions of the Tour de France).

    You should note that is not in any way linked to Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO), the organisor of the Tour de France and that because of that any discussion here will not contribute to enriching the ideas for the future editions of the Tour de France of the people working on the race route with ASO ... except if by any chance one of them comes here and finds an original, interesting and realistic idea ...

  • Of course you can not only publish your ideas for the Tour de France but also for the Tour of Spain or the Tour of Italy.
    If you don't want to suggest a complete Tour but only a new place or a new climb which might one day be part of the Tour, you can of course do so, either by replying to an existing thread which contains a race route in which this can be embedded or by creating a new discussion thread. In this case, please make sure your title clearly indicates what it's about.

    The contents of this section might be moderated at any time. Modération is done a posteriori (after publication, we reserve the right to delete your message or modify it in order to delete inadapted parts of it) for all messages, except for those which contain one or more external link(s) and/or one or more image(s). Indeed, these messages are moderated a priori, which means they won't be published before a moderator has validated them.

    Your messages might be moderated especially but not only if they contain direct attacks to other people or to any company, if they go against the netiquette or if other users who think your message is unacceptable ask so. You won't be informed of the moderation of your message.

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    For rights holders: if you discover an image or any other element in this section "It's your Tour" on which you have a copyright or any other property right, please let us know by e-mail at, clearly indicating in your message which element is concerned by your rights. If you indeed turn out to have rights on such an element, will remove it as fast as possible in the usual moderation process and you will than be informed of this removal. and it's owner refuse any further responsibility for third party publications in this section.