created by Lennert Huylebroeck on Friday 16 December 2016 at 19h22 | viewed 527 times | 5 messages
Lennert Huylebroeck
- on Friday 16 December 2016 at 19h22
Je ne sais pas comment je peux faire un profile de course la meme chose que Le Tour de France.Tu peux m'aider?
- on Monday 19 December 2016 at 19h47
Hoi Lennert,
Weet jij inmiddels hoe het werkt?
Ik heb wel ooit een profiel proberen te maken via enkele van de sites die bovenaan staan bij google. Maar dat was steeds heel omslachtig en bovendien niet met als resultaat zo'n mooi geel TDF-profiel ;)
Thomas Vergouwen
- on Monday 19 December 2016 at 23h35
Deze editor wordt door velen hier gebruikt om een profiel te verkrijgen wat lijkt op dat van de Tour, de Giro of de Vuelta.
- on Thursday 22 December 2016 at 17h15
Werkt prima, thanks!!
Lennert Huylebroeck
- on tuesday 03 January 2017 at 14h39
Beste max,
Ik heb een site gevonden die zeer goed is.Cronoescalada is een prima site.het is het best als je een account aanmaakt.
MVG Lennert
Of course you can not only publish your ideas for the Tour de France but also for the Tour of Spain or the Tour of Italy.
If you don't want to suggest a complete Tour but only a new place or a new climb which might one day be part of the Tour, you can of course do so, either by replying to an existing thread which contains a race route in which this can be embedded or by creating a new discussion thread. In this case, please make sure your title clearly indicates what it's about.
The contents of this section might be moderated at any time. Modération is done a posteriori (after publication, we reserve the right to delete your message or modify it in order to delete inadapted parts of it) for all messages, except for those which contain one or more external link(s) and/or one or more image(s). Indeed, these messages are moderated a priori, which means they won't be published before a moderator has validated them.
Your messages might be moderated especially but not only if they contain direct attacks to other people or to any company, if they go against the netiquette or if other users who think your message is unacceptable ask so. You won't be informed of the moderation of your message.
In case of repeated abuse, reserves the right to ban you from this section and/or more globally from publishing anything on this website, by any appropriate means. In that case you'll be notified of this decision.
If you publish any links but more important photos or any other pictures, you take full responsibility for the publication of these elements. Indeed, copyright applies to elements found on the Internet in the same way it does in the "outside world" and a photographer must for example give his permission for the publication of a photo, just like the author of an image which can be considered as original work has to allow you to use it. In case of doubt, please DON'T PUBLISH A PHOTO OR IMAGE in order to prevent any problems!
For rights holders: if you discover an image or any other element in this section "It's your Tour" on which you have a copyright or any other property right, please let us know by e-mail at, clearly indicating in your message which element is concerned by your rights. If you indeed turn out to have rights on such an element, will remove it as fast as possible in the usual moderation process and you will than be informed of this removal. and it's owner refuse any further responsibility for third party publications in this section.
Je ne sais pas comment je peux faire un profile de course la meme chose que Le Tour de France.Tu peux m'aider?
Hoi Lennert,
Weet jij inmiddels hoe het werkt?
Ik heb wel ooit een profiel proberen te maken via enkele van de sites die bovenaan staan bij google. Maar dat was steeds heel omslachtig en bovendien niet met als resultaat zo'n mooi geel TDF-profiel ;)
@Max & @Lennert,
Hebben jullie La Flamme Rouge al eens geprobeerd?
Deze editor wordt door velen hier gebruikt om een profiel te verkrijgen wat lijkt op dat van de Tour, de Giro of de Vuelta.
Werkt prima, thanks!!
Beste max,
Ik heb een site gevonden die zeer goed is.Cronoescalada is een prima site.het is het best als je een account aanmaakt.
MVG Lennert
If you don't want to suggest a complete Tour but only a new place or a new climb which might one day be part of the Tour, you can of course do so, either by replying to an existing thread which contains a race route in which this can be embedded or by creating a new discussion thread. In this case, please make sure your title clearly indicates what it's about.
The contents of this section might be moderated at any time. Modération is done a posteriori (after publication, we reserve the right to delete your message or modify it in order to delete inadapted parts of it) for all messages, except for those which contain one or more external link(s) and/or one or more image(s). Indeed, these messages are moderated a priori, which means they won't be published before a moderator has validated them.
Your messages might be moderated especially but not only if they contain direct attacks to other people or to any company, if they go against the netiquette or if other users who think your message is unacceptable ask so. You won't be informed of the moderation of your message.
In case of repeated abuse, reserves the right to ban you from this section and/or more globally from publishing anything on this website, by any appropriate means. In that case you'll be notified of this decision.
If you publish any links but more important photos or any other pictures, you take full responsibility for the publication of these elements. Indeed, copyright applies to elements found on the Internet in the same way it does in the "outside world" and a photographer must for example give his permission for the publication of a photo, just like the author of an image which can be considered as original work has to allow you to use it. In case of doubt, please DON'T PUBLISH A PHOTO OR IMAGE in order to prevent any problems!
For rights holders: if you discover an image or any other element in this section "It's your Tour" on which you have a copyright or any other property right, please let us know by e-mail at, clearly indicating in your message which element is concerned by your rights. If you indeed turn out to have rights on such an element, will remove it as fast as possible in the usual moderation process and you will than be informed of this removal. and it's owner refuse any further responsibility for third party publications in this section.