Saturday 10 October 2009 at 21h45

Tomorrow Paris-Tours 2009, also known as the Classique des feuilles mortes: the classic of the falling leaves, will take place. The start of this 103rd edition is for the very first time in Chartres.

In this article you'll find all you wanted to know about this end of the season classic: the full route, the route in Google Maps and a downloadable version of the route in Google Earth, the full itinerary and times, the 25 participating teams and the list of participants with their numbers.


The start from Chartres

Since 1994 Paris-Tours always started in Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines. On 9 September however, A.S.O. signed a contract with the Eure-et-Loir department for the organisation of the start of Paris-Tours from 2009 till 2013.

At the official presentation of this contract Christian Prudhomme announced that the Tour de France will also visit the Eure-et-Loir somewhere in the next four years without however saying when that will be. The city Dreux, where the Tour de l'Avenir 2009 started last month, seems to be the most important candidate but that'll probably not be for the Tour de France 2010.

Listen to what Christian Prudhomme has said about this on the local radio station Intensité.

source: Intensité

Paris-Tours will thus start from Chartres, more precisely on the Place du Châtelet, in front of the Conseil général d'Eure-et-Loir and at the foot of Chartres' cathedral.

In 2004 Chartres already had a Tour de France stage finish: the 5th stage coming from Amiens.

Before the start of Paris-Tours 2009 the presentation of the 25 teams will be at 9.45AM tomorrow morning.

The route and the itinerary

With the start from Chartres the first part of the route of Paris-Tours changes a little bit and the race is also a bit shorter: 230 kilometers instead of 252 in 2008.

After the modified start the riders will find the usual route in Bonneval from where they'll continue towards the usual finish on the Avenue de Grammont in Tours (for the last time) at the end of a straight line of no less than 2,600 meters.
Bonneval is also where Paris-Tours Espoirs starts (36 teams of 5 participants) for a distance of 179 kilometers. This city really loves cycling as they proved once again by announcing the creation of the Rue du Tour de France and a passerelle Bernard Hinault today!

The feeding zone is in Vendôme for Paris-Tours élites and in Santenay for Paris-Tours espoirs.

> Click here for the full itinerary of Paris-Tours

Paris-Tours 2009 - Chartres > Tours

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The map of Paris-Tours in Google Maps/Google Earth

As usual I created an interactive map of the route which you can see below in Google Maps and which you can download in Google Earth using the link which is shown under the map.

Do you want to make a virtual fly over this route? Or do you simply prefer to see the route in Google Earth?
> Click here to download the Paris-Tours 2009 route in Google Earth

The list of participating riders and their numbers

25 teams will participate in the 103rd edition of Paris-Tours tomorrow. Below you'll find a list of all participants with their number.

The teams are listed in alphabetical order of the French name for the country where they're registered.

Team Milram
Team Milram161/ Gerald Ciolek
163/ Thomas Fothen
164/ Artur Gajek
165/ Servais Knaven
166/ Dominik Roels
167/ Niki Terpstra
168/ Martin Velits
170/ Wim Stroetinga

Landbouwkrediet - Colnago
Landbouwkrediet-Colnago011/ Denis Flahaut
012/ Frédéric Amorison
013/ Koen Barbe
014/ Dirk Bellemakers
015/ David Boucher
016/ Bert de Waele
017/ Sebastien Delfosse
018/ Martial Ricci Poggi

Quick Step
Quick Step091/ Tom Boonen
092/ Sylvain Chavanel
093/ Steven de Jongh
094/ Kevin de Weert
095/ Kevin Hulsmans
096/ Matteo Tosatto
097/ Marco Velo
098/ Maarten Wynants

Silence-Lotto001/ Philippe Gilbert
002/ Christophe Brandt
003/ Wilfried Cretskens
004/ Olivier Kaisen
005/ Sebastian Lang
006/ Jürgen Roelandts
007/ Roy Sentjens
008/ Greg van Avermaet

Team Saxo Bank
Team Saxo Bank071/ Juan Jose Haedo
072/ Kurt-Asle Arvesen
073/ Lars Bak
076/ Marcus Ljungqvist
077/ Michael Morkov
080/ Lasse Bochman

Caisse d'Epargne
Caisse d'Epargne051/ Mathieu Drujon
052/ Imanol Erviti
053/ Vicente Garcia Acosta
054/ Vasil Kiryienka
055/ Pablo Lastras
056/ Joaquim Rodriguez
057/ Rigoberto Uran
058/ Xabier Zandio

Euskaltel - Euskadi
Euskaltel-Euskadi121/ Samuel Sanchez
122/ Javier Aramendia
123/ Jorge Azanza Soto
125/ Aitor Hernandez
126/ Markel Irizar
127/ Iñaki Isasi
128/ Ivan Velasco

United States
Garmin – Slipstream
Garmin-Slipstream041/ Tyler Farrar
042/ Hans Dekkers
043/ Timothy Duggan
044/ Huub Duijn
045/ William Frischkorn
046/ Martijn Maaskant
047/ Christian Meier
048/ Kilian Patour

Team Columbia - HTC
Team Columbia-HTC061/ André Greipel
062/ Michaël Barry
064/ Gert Dockx
065/ Bernhard Eisel
066/ Frantisek Rabon
067/ Vicente Reynes Mimo

BMC Racing Team
BMC Racing Team241/ Danilo Wyss
242/ Brent Bookwalter
243/ Steve Bovay
244/ Mathias Frank
245/ Thomas Frei
246/ Martin Kohler
247/ Florian Stalder
248/ Jackson Stewart

AG2R La Mondiale
AG2R La Mondiale151/ Renaud Dion
152/ Martin Elmiger
153/ Sébastien Hinault
154/ Yuriy Krivtsov
155/ René Mandri
156/ Lloyd Mondory
157/ Cedric Pineau
158/ Nicolas Rousseau

Agritubel031/ Nicolas Vogondy
032/ Freddy Bichot
033/ Brice Feillu
034/ Romain Feillu
035/ Nicolas Jalabert (who will end his career as a professional rider tomorrow)
036/ David Le Lay
038/ Anthony Ravard

As you know this team will do its last race tomorrow since they didn't manage to find a new sponsor.

Auber 93
Auber 93221/ Tony Gallopin
222/ Fabien Bacquet
224/ Nadir Haddou
225/ Julien Mazet
226/ Maxime Mederel
227/ Johan Mombaerts
228/ Jonathan Thiré
229/ Morgan Chedhomme

Bbox Bouygues Telecom
Bbox Bouygues Telecom021/ Thomas Voeckler
022/ Yukiya Arashiro
023/ William Bonnet
024/ Mathieu Claude
025/ Damien Gaudin
026/ Rony Martias
027/ Alexandre Pichot
028/ Perrig Quemeneur

Besson Chaussures-Sojasun
Besson Chaussures-Sojasun201/ Jimmy Casper
202/ Cédric Coutouly
203/ Jimmy Engoulvent
204/ Jeremy Galland
205/ Laurent Mangel
206/ Jean Marc Marino
207/ Julien Simon
208/ Yannick Talabardon

Bretagne-Schuller211/ Dimitri Champion
212/ Yann Pivois
213/ Stephane Bonsergent
214/ Jean Luc Delpech
215/ Sebastien Duret
216/ Lilian Jégou
217/ Noan Lelarge
218/ Gaël Malacarne

Cofidis, le crédit en ligne
Cofidis171/ Alexandre Usov
172/ Guillaume Blot
173/ Florent Brard
174/ Hervé Duclos-Lasalle
175/ Christophe Kern
176/ Sébastien Minard
177/ Nico Sijmens
178/ Tristan Valentin

Française des Jeux
Française des Jeux141/ Frédéric Guesdon
142/ Sébastien Chavanel
143/ Mickael Cherel
144/ Arnaud Gerard
145/ Anthony Geslin
146/ Yauheni Hutarovich
147/ Matthieu Ladagnous
148/ Yoann Offredo

Roubaix Lille Métropole
231/ Pierre Cazaux
232/ Bastien Delrot
233/ Florian Guillou
234/ Mickael Larpe
235/ Alexandre Lemair
237/ Steven Tronet
238/ Florian Vachon

Lampre – N.G.C
Lampre-NGC131/ Alessandro Ballan
132/ Vitaliy Buts
133/ Mauro da Dalto
134/ Angelo Furlan
135/ Francesco Gavazzi
136/ Mirco Lorenzetto
137/ Massimiliano Mori
138/ Simone Ponzi

The Netherlands
Rabobank101/ Oscar Freire
102/ Juan Antonio Flecha
103/ Mathew Hayman
104/ Sebastian Langeveld
105/ Nick Nuyens
106/ Tom Stamsnijder
107/ Maarten Tjallingii
108/ Jos van Emden

Skil - Shimano
Skil-Shimano191/ Jonathan Hivert
192/ Fumiyuki Beppu
193/ Roy Curvers
194/ Koen de Kort
195/ Thierry Hupond
196/ Albert Timmer
197/ Tom Veelers
198/ Robert Wagner

Vacansoleil Pro Cycling Team
Vacansoleil Pro Cycling Team181/ Borut Bozic
182/ Johnny Hoogerland
183/ Sergey Lagutin
184/ Bjorn Leukemans
185/ Gerben Löwik
186/ Jens Mouris
187/ Aart Vierhouten
188/ Lieuwe Westra

Team Katusha
Team Katusha111/ Filippo Pozzato
112/ Laszlo Bodrogi
113/ Mikhail Ignatiev
114/ Serguei Ivanov
115/ Guennadi Mikhailov
116/ Danilo Napolitano
117/ Nicolaï Trussov
118/ Stijn Vandenbergh

Cervélo Test Team
Cervélo TestTeam081/ Roger Hammond
082/ Jeremy Hunt
083/ Daniel Lloyd
084/ Oscar Pujol
085/ Gabriel Rasch
086/ Martin Reimer
087/ Dominique Rollin

Wil André Greipel (Columbia-HTC), who won Paris-Bourges earlier this week will again be able to get a good spot in the sprintersfestival?
Or will Philippe Gilbert (Silence-Lotto) win Paris-Tours for the second time in row?

Or is this the perfect occasion for Tom Boonen (Quick Step) to take his 7th victory of the season? Maybe, but ... Jimmy Casper (Besson Chaussures - Sojasun) also thinks that 10 victories is not enough for him!

door Thomas Vergouwen
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1 comment | 17935 views

this publication is published in: Cycling general (except Tour de France) | Paris-Tours | OpenStreetMap/Google Maps/Google Earth


There are 1 comments!
  1. Pour cette dernière course voici mon classement:
    1) Oscar Freire 1) Jimmy Casper
    2) Nicolas Vogondy 3)Stéphane Bonsergent 4)Greipel 5)philippe Gilbert 6)Romain Feillu 8) Boonen.

    | GUY JOLIVET | Sunday 11 October 2009 om 13h31

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