Wednesday 03 November 2010 at 21h39

The new team from Luxembourg, for the time being known as the Luxembourg Pro Cycling Project or Leopard True Racing announces its team roster in small bits and pieces. Not because the riders sign their contracts one by on but ... simply to generate some buzz in this quiet out-of-season period!

Today, it was up to the Austrian Stefan Denifl (Cervélo TestTeam in 2010), the French rider Brice Feillu (Vacansoleil Pro Cycling Team in 2010) and the Australian Will Clarke (stagiaire with AG2R La Mondiale in the second half of the 2010 season). Video interview with the last-mentioned rider!

Will Clarke was a stagiaire for AG2R La Mondiale in the 2010 Tour du Limousin and, in collaboration with Cyclismag, this was for me the occasion to interview him.

The young Australian rider, coming from the Australian Genesys Wealth Advisers team, comments in this interview how he arrived in the AG2R La Mondiale team, how he started riding a bike (only in 2007!) and his dream of becoming a pro and he also explains his programme for 2010. Apparently, his manager, Andrew McQuaid, managed to get the right contacts with the team in Luxembourg which believes in this young rider and thus makes a bet on the future.

Check out the video interview below:

door Thomas Vergouwen
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this publication is published in: Team presentations 2011 | Tour du Limousin


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