This article now refers to a more recent one: The Tour de France 2019 race route on Open Street Maps/Google Earth, stage profiles and time- and route schedules. Maybe you'll find some interesting information there.

tuesday 01 January 2019 at 17h29

As usual, we'll have to wait until June before we get to know all the details about the race route of the different stages of the Tour de France 2019. Well, that is .. not for all of them, because the race route of the two stages which make up the Grand Départ of the 106th Tour, in Brussels in Belgium, is already known now!

You might have beebn waiting for it since the official announcement of the Tour de France 2019 stages, the maps with the detailed race route of the first Tour de France 2019 stages are finally available here!

The Grand Départ of the Tour de France 2019

Brussels, in Belgium, will receive the Grand Départ of the Tour de France for the 2nd time in 2019, after 1958, and it'll thus be the 11th time that the Tour visits the Belgian capital.

The programme of the Grand Départ is as follows:
  • Wednesday 3 July 2019: opening of the press center and the permanence in Brussels Expo
  • Thursday 4 July 2019: Tour de France 2019 teams presentation on the Grand-Place, where Eddy Merckx saw an audience which didn't fit on the caracteristic place of the European capital, in 1969 after his first out of 5 overall victories in the history of the Tour
  • Saturday 6 July 2019 : 1st stage - Brussels > Charleroi > Brussels
  • Sunday 7 July 2019 : 2nd stage - Brussels > Brussels - team time trial between the Palais Royal and the Atomium

The Grand Départ race route of the Tour de France 2019 on Open Street Maps


Why Open Street Maps?

As you know, usually published its maps of the different cycling races on a Google Maps background. Because we were used to, because the map background is so easy to recognise for most people who use it almost every day, because of the ease of use of this solution and because of its performance .. the question never came up to switch to another provider for the map background.

Google however decided to mess up things by setting up a paid version above a certain level of usage. Due to the popularity of the maps of cycling races on, this would have represented quite a big cost for a website which you are using for free (for the Tour de France 2017 it was still possible to use it for free, thanks to a welcome bonus offered by Google, but that's now gone). It was thus time to find another solution.

After having tried the "Géoservices" solutions by IGN, the choice was finally made for Open Street Maps. Indeed, the map backgrounds provided by IGN were not completely satisfactory, the interface was less easy to use and the implementation was also a bit more complex and less flexible than the one recommended by Open Street Maps for this use.

1/ Saturday 6 July 2019 - Brussels (BE) > Charleroi > Brussels (BE) - 192 km

BrusselsThe first stage of the Tour de France 2019 honours Eddy Merckx, 5 times winner of the Tour de France. Indeed, early in the stage after the start in Brussels, the riders will visit Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and Anderlecht, two football clubs Merckx was fan of while the way back to Brussels will see Tervuren and Woluwe-Saint-Pierre being visited, reminding of the history of this big Belgian rider, who grew up in Woluwe but who also took the first yellow jersey of his career here, while he lived in Tervuren in 1969 ...

Furthermore, the riders will find on their route during this stage the Mur de Grammont at km 43, before they go further south down to Charleroi get on a cobbled stones section, to the intermediate sprint in Les Bons Villers and at the foot of the Butte du Lion (the fatal battle field for the troops of Napoleon in Waterloo) before they go back north towards Brussels where the finish will take place in the Avenue du Parc Royal.

You'll find hereunder the map with the race route of the first stage of the Tour de France 2019 and the stage profile. Click on the images to open them.
The map with the race route of the first stage of the Tour de France 2019 on Open Street Maps The profile of the first stage of the Tour de France 2019

1/ Brussels (BE) > Brussels (BE)

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2/ Sunday 7 July 2019 - Brussels (BE) > Brussels (BE) - team time trial - 27 km

AtomiumThis second stage of the Tour de France 2019 will be a race against the clock in teams, over a distance of 27 kilometers. The start will take place in front of the Palais Royal of Brussels and the image at the finish of each of the teams will show the famous Atomium, which was built for the Universal Exposition in 1958, in the background.

While the stage victory the previous day most probably goes to a sprinter, who will thus have the occasion to wear the first yellow jersey of this year in which we celebrate its 100 years of existance, it is well possible that the leader's jersey for the general classification goes on to a new rider after this second stage if that sprinter is not part of a team which excels in team trialing and which can win this timed race.

You'll find hereunder the map with the race route of the second stage of the Tour de France 2019 and the stage profile. Click on the images to open them.
The map with the race route of the second stage of the Tour de France 2019 on Open Street Maps The profile of the second stage of the Tour de France 2019

2/ Brussels (BE) > Brussels (BE)

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The Tour de France 2019 Grand Depart's race route in Google Earth

Even though the maps no longer have a Google Maps background but now use a Open Street Maps background, you can still have a look at them in Google Earth. Would you like to do a virtual fly-over of the race route of the Grand Départ stages of this 106th edition of the Tour de France? That's possible, by downloading the following KML file and opening it with Google Earth!

WARNINGWARNING - copyright: despite the fact that this KML is provided here for your own use, please keep in mind that it's strictly forbidden to reproduce the contents of this KML file or of any other file (including the maps, the profiles, the KML files and others) which make up the race route of the Tour de France 2019. These contents are indeed protected by copyright and I thus ask you to respect the important amount of time taken to create these. This protection concerns the reproduction of the maps and other elements in any form (as maps, fly-over videos or any other creation based on the contents provided by

>> Download the race route of the two Grand Départ stages of the Tour de France 2019 in Google Earth

The Grand Départ race route of the Tour de France 2019 in Google Earth

door Thomas Vergouwen
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6 comments | 25547 views

this publication is published in: Tour de France | Tour de France 2019 | OpenStreetMap/Google Maps/Google Earth


There are 6 comments!
  1. Wat een fijne site! Ik blijf de updates volgen. Op onze site over kampeervakanties hebben wij een pagina met campings in de omgeving van de Tour:

    Hier hebben we natuurlijk ook een link naar Velowire geplaatst!

    | Ruud Gras | Wednesday 30 January 2019 om 11h31

  2. yhx voor de info, mocht je meer weten over de gedetailleerde routes verderop in de tour 2019 hoor ik het graag. nogmaals dank.

    | bjorn | Sunday 03 March 2019 om 09h21

  3. Based on your map : https://www.strava.[...]

    | Alexandre Duros | Saturday 25 May 2019 om 16h08

  4. @bjorn #2 : de verdere gegevens komen vaak pas in juni beschikbaar. Zoals gebruikelijk zal ik hard aan het werk gaan op dat moment om alles in te tekenen op de kaarten die ik op zal plaatsen!

    @Alexandre #3 : pour rappel, tout contenu publié sur est protégé par le droit d'auteur et toute reprise, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est donc strictement interdit sans mon autorisation. Par respect pour le temps passé sur la préparation de mes cartes, j'attends donc que ce droit d'auteur soit respecté dans tous les cas.

    As a reminder, all contents published on are protected by copyright and any reproduction, in any possible way, is thus strictly forbidden without my agreement. Taking into account the big amount of time necessary to prepare such maps, I thus ask this copyright to be strictly respected and will take necessary actions to make sure it is.

    | Thomas Vergouwen | Saturday 25 May 2019 om 17h45

  5. Le site du Tour de France a mis en ligne depuis hier la description complète de toutes les étapes. La recherche des étapes du tour de France 2020 va pouvoir commencer.

    | T2DVILLARS | tuesday 18 June 2019 om 13h20

  6. Est ce que la personne qui trace le parcours connait les limites de la France ?
    Changez s 'il vous plait le nom ! J habite la région Aquitaine.... Et avec le temps, je ne peux plus aller voir le tour, il passe je suis Française

    | grandveau | Thursday 27 June 2019 om 14h23

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>> The Tour de France 2019 race route on Open Street Maps/Google Earth, stage profiles and time- and route schedules