The month May has started already and it is thus already the time for the comeback of the first Grand Tour of the year, with the Tour of Italy 2022, or Giro d'Italia as Italians say, which starts this Friday 6 of May: exceptionally on a Friday because of the start in Hungary, which leads to an additional transfer/rest day, right on Monday.
The Giro d'Italia 2022 will take place from Friday 6 May 2022 till Sunday 29 May 2022, over a total distance of 3445.6 km split out in 21 different stages. It'll be the 105th edition of this Italian Grand Tour. Let's now look in detail to the different stages of this Tour of Italy 2022 with the race routes on Open Street Maps/Google Earth.
The Giro d'Italia 2022 race route on Open Street Maps
1/ Budapest (🇭🇺) > Visegrád (🇭🇺) - 195 km
The Grand Start of this Tour of Italy will thus be in Hungary, with three stages: the first in line, the second as an individual time trial and the last one again in line, followed by a transfer to the south of Italy.The first stage will start in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, with a completely flat race route going south-west until Székesfehérvár where the riders will find an intermediate sprint and continue back north-east towards the finish. Finish which will be uphill over the last 5 kilometers, up to Visegrád, a 4th category climb.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 1st stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

2/ Saturday 7 May 2022 - Budapest (🇭🇺) > Budapest (🇭🇺) - 9.2 km
The second stage of the Tour of Italy 2022 will be an individual time trial, in the streets of Budapest.After a visit of the east side of the city, each rider will follow the Danube river side, cross it and follow it on the other side. The end of the race route, after the intermediate timing point, will be a final climb which the riders have to do full speed in their individual effort.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 2nd stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

3/ Sunday 8 May 2022 - Kaposvár (🇭🇺) > Balatonfüred (🇭🇺) - 201 km
The 3rd and last stage to take place in Hungary will start in Kaposvár and go off west to the sprint in Nagykanizsa and then turn north up to the Balaton lake where the riders will turn east, towards the finish in Balatonfüred.Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 3rd stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

T/ Monday 9 May 2022 - transfer towards Catania
This Monday 9 May, according to the Tour of Italy 2022 roadbook considered as a rest day, is officially to be considered a transfer day in order to comply with the UCI rules ... even though the transfer from Hungary to Catania, in the south of Italy will be done right after the 3rd stage.CONTINUE READING AFTER THIS ADVERTISEMENT
4/ Tuesday 10 May 2022 - Avola > Etna/Nicolosi (Rifugio Sapienza) - 172 km
The 4th stage, the first to take place in Italy and more precisely on the Sicily island, will start in Avola. The race will go off north, staying landside and thus turning around Catania where the riders got some rest the day before. It will visit Noto, Pantalica and Vizzini before getting to the two intermediate sprints in Paternò and Biancavilla.The riders will have already begun the final climb of the Etna at that time, a 1st category climb of 22.8 km with an average steepness of 5.9%.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 4th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

5/ Wednesday 11 May 2022 - Catania > Messina - 174 km
Back to Catania for the start of the 5th stage, starting along the coast up north and then getting landside via the sprint in Francavilla and the Portella Mandrazzi climb which has its summit at 1,125 m, in order to cross over to the other coast towards the sprint in Villafranca Tirrena, followed by a visit of the point of the island before they finally get back towards the finish in Messina.Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 5th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

6/ Thursday 12 May 2022 - Palmi > Scalea (Riviera dei Cedri) - 192 km
For the 6th stage, the race will have crossed the Messina bay to get back on the continent for the start in Palmi.Apart for the climb of the Razza airport (4th category), there won't be any other difficulties in this stage's race route which follows the coast line up to the finish in Scalea.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 6th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

7/ Friday 13 May 2022 - Diamante > Potenza - 196 km
On this Friday 13 May, the stage will be more hilly after the start from Diamante, crossing the Southern Apennines. Indeed, even though the stage start flat along the coast, it'll go landinwards from Marratea and the riders will thus find several climbs on their route: the Passo Colla (3rd category, 9.3 km @ 4.5%), followed a bit further by the Monte Sirino of the 1st category (24.4 km @ 3.8%), the sprint in Viggiano and the follow-up of the Montagna Grande di Viggiano (2nd category, 6.6 km @ 9.1%) and La Sellata (3rd category, 7.8 km @ 5.9%) followed by the sprint in the center of the finish city Potenza and finally the finish on the heights of Potenza.Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 7th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

8/ Saturday 14 May 2022 - Napoli > Napoli - 153 km
The 8th stage will start and finish in the same city. Starting in Naples (Napoli), the race will first go off west before turning north up to the Lago Patria where the riders will battle for the first intermediate sprint of the stage. Back south then and after having passed the Lago d'Averno they'll turn left as if they were starting their way back to the start/finish city but after having turned around the Lago Averno, they'll turn right, around the Lago Lucrino, to get to a 19 km long circuit in the tip of the country, which they'll do 4 times.During the last lap they'll battle for the intermediate sprint of Bacoli and can get some points for the King of the Mountains classification on the Monte di Procida (4th category, 2.1 km @ 6%).
At the end of the 4h lap on the circuit they'll again go off towards Naples, getting back on the road they used when they left that city in Pouzzuoli. Back in the start/finish city, the road they'll follow will be a little different but they rejoin it just afterwards. They'll then continue on to the Piazza Vittoriaoù where they'll turn around taking the rounadbout on the left side before returning to the sea side up until the finish.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 8th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

9/ Sunday 15 May 2022 - Isernia > Blockhaus - 191 km
North of Naples, at the start in Isernia, a mountain stage awaits the riders, accross the Apennines.The mountaineous part starts rather quickly, with the climb of Valico del Macerone (3rd category), followed by Rionero Sannitico (2nd category) and Roccaraso (2nd category). What will follow is a part which is mostly downhill over about 90 kilometers via the sprint in Filetto before the first 1st category climb of the Passo Lanciano (10.3 km @ 7.6%) just a few hundred meters away from the finish of the stage. The riders will however first do a full descent and then climb all the way up again, over 13.6 km with an average steepness of 8.4% up to Blockhaus.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 9th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

R1/ Monday 16 May 2022 - rest day in Pascara
After these 9 first stages of the Giro d'Italia 2022 and the visit of two countries (Hungary and Italy), the riders will get to what will be the first official rest day, in Pescara, where the next day's stage will start.10/ Tuesday 17 May 2022 - Pescara > Jesi - 196 km
Afterr this rest day, the 10th stage will thus start in the same city, Pescara, and will follow a race route which seems to be voluntarily split up in two very different parts based on the stage's profile: it'll start completely flat alongside the sea until the sprint in Civitanova Marche and then, going landinwards, a concatenation of several short climbs. They'll get on the Crocette di Montecosaro (4th category), the climb towards Recanati (4th category, 3.4 km @ 6.9%) and, after the sprint in Filottrano and while passing the finish city north, the climb of Monsano (4th category, 4.2 km @ 4.2%) and finally a short uphill part towards the finish line in Jesi.Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 10th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

11/ Wednesday 18 May 2022 - Santarcangelo di Romagna > Reggio Emilia - 203 km
The two longest stages of this Giro d'Italia 2022 will follow up on each other, with 203 kilometers for the 11th and 204 for the 12th stage.This 11th stage will start in Santarcangelo di Romagna. It'll be a transition stage with a completely flat race route and which will, in its first part, be completely straight towards Bologna before going off a bith north to get around Modena and continue on to the finish in Reggio Emilia.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 11th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

12/ Thursday 19 May 2022 - Parma > Genova - 204 km
The 12th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022 will thus be the longuest stage of this 105th edition and it will start in Parma. It will cross the Appenines and starts with a progressive climb until the foot of the first difficulty of the day, the Passo del Bocco. After a technical descent, the road slightly goes up again, until the sprint in Ferrada after which the riders will climb two subsequent climbs, in La Colletta and Valico di Trensasco. After the descent of the last mentioned they'll have about 34 kilometers to go until the finish in Genova.Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 12th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

13/ Friday 20 May 2022 - Sanremo > Cuneo - 150 km
The 13th stage is much shorter, with its 150 kilometers, and will start in Sanremo, the finish city of the spring classic, the Primavera. It'll start by following the coast line up to Imperia, where the riders go landinwards and access, after the sprint in Pieve di Teco, the only climb of the day, the Colle di Nava. In Ceva they'll end their trip up north and turn west via the sprint in San Michele di Mondovì and until the finish in Cuneo.Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 13th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

14/ Saturday 21 May 2022 - Santena > Torino - 147 km
An even short stage will be this 14th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022, with its 147 kilometers starting in Santena it'll even be the shortest stage!That doesn't however mean it'll be an easy stage, rather the opposite because in addition to the climb of Il Pilonetto, two other climbs will be in the circuit around the finish city the riders will do twice. These are the climbs of Superga (5 km @ 8.6%) and the Colle della Maddalena (3.5 km @ 8.1% and with a part going up to 20%) which make the race route without any flat parts after the first climb of the stage until the finish in Turin (Torino).
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 14th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

15/ Sunday 22 May 2022 - Rivarolo Canavese > Cogne - 177 km
This third and forelast Sunday of this Tour of Italy 2022 will see a stage starting in Rivarolo Canavese. Up until the sprint of Pollein after 90 kilometers, the race route is hardly ever going up or down but after this sprint, it all gets more difficult. Indeed, the riders will first do a short detour to go find the Pila - Les Fleurs climb of the 1st category (12.3 km @ 6.9% ; max 15%) and after the descent of this climb and the visit of Aosta, they'll already start the next 1st category climb, towards Verrogne (13.8 km @ 7.1% ; max 14%) and without any rest, its descent will immediately go on in the final climb. When they pass the sprint in the center of Cogne (1534 meters altitude), they'll already have done most of this climb but it'll only be at 1611 meters altitude that the finish will be judged in Cogne (2nd category, 22.4 km @ 4.3%).Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 15th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

R2/ Monday 23 May 2022 - rest day in Salò
This Monday 23 May, it'll be the last rest day the riders can enjoy, after a transfer east of Milan (from the finish west of Milan on Sunday), in Salò, where the next day's stage will start.16/ Tuesday 24 May 2022 - Salò > Aprica - 202 km
Getting back into the race after this rest day won't be easy because between Salò and Aprica there will be no less than 3 first category climbs on the programme, and even the last intermediate sprint in Teglio will be on the top of a short climb (5.6 km @ 8.2% ; max 16%). The 3 referenced difficulties will be the climbs of Goletto di Cadino (19.9 km @ 6.2%), the famous Passo del Mortirolo (12.6% @ 7.6%) and Valico di Santa Cristina just before the finish (13.5 km @ 8%).Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 16th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

17/ Wednesday 25 May 2022 - Ponte di Legno > Lavarone - 168 km
From Ponte di Legno and after the climb of the Passo del Tonale which the riders find right from the start, this 17th stage will first go off east and downhill, up to Ponte Mostizzolo, before turning south. The climb of Giovo (3rd category, 5.9 km @ 6.8%) is only a starter, compared to what awaits the riders in the last 50 kilometers of the stage, after the sprint in Pergine Valsugana.Two 1st category climbs precede the finish, the Passo del Vetriolo (11.8 km @ 7.7%) and the climb of Monterovere (7.9 km @ 9.9%). After these demanding climbs, the last 4 kilometers will be mainly downhill, but the last 800 meters till the finish in Lavarone will be uphill again.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 17th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

18/ Thursday 26 May 2022 - Borgo Valsugana > Treviso - 152 km
The 18th stage has much less climbs and these are much less difficult. Indeed, after the start from Borgo Valsugana, the riders arrive on top of the Le Scale di Primolano climb after about 25 kilometers, but this is only a 4th category climb. The stage continues with a slightly hilly race route, for example at the intermediate sprint in Valdobbiadene. About thirty kilometers further, they'll arrive on top of another 4th category difficulty, the Muro di Ca' del Poggio. As its name indicates, this is a real wall: a very steep but also short climb, with its 1.1 km @ 12.3%. What follows will be flat, with the sprint in Susegana, and the finish in Treviso is also completely flat.Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 18th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

19/ Friday 27 May 2022 - Marano Luganare > Santuario di Castelmonte - 178 km
The forelast stage in line will start in Marano Luganare, a city with its feet in the water. This stage will return into the mountains, with two 3rd category difficulties (Villanova Grotte [3.7 km @ 8%] and the Passo di Tanamea), followed by a visit of Slovenia and the climb of Kolovrat of the 1st category (10.3 km @ 9.2%).What follows is a return to Italy, to get to the sprint of Cividale del Friuli at the foot of the final climb towards the finish at the Santuario di Castelmonte (2nd category, 7.1 km @ 7.8%).
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 19th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

20/ Saturday 28 May 2022 - Belluno > Marmolada (Passo Fedaia) - 168 km
A monster stage awaits the riders for this last stage in line of the Giro d'Italia 2022. The first 40 kilometers are relatively flat but the route goes up, first only gradually towards the sprint of Cencenighe Agordino and than more seriously for the climb of the Passo San Pellegrino (1st category, 18.5 km @ 6.2%). Rapidly after that, they'll get to the Passo Pordoi, the cima coppi, the rooftop of the Tour of Italy 2022 with its 2,239 meters altitude! (11.8 km @ 6.8%)Finally, the route towards the finish also goes up because it'll be an uphill finish, on a first category difficulty, Marmolada (Passo Fedaia), a 14 km long climb @ 7.6% with the most steepest part at the end of the climb, going up until 18% at 4 km from the finish (in the last 6 kilometers after the last sprint in Malga Ciapela, the first half has an average steepness of 11.8% and the final part is at 10.5%).
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 20th stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

21/ Sunday 29 May 2022 - Verona > Verona (ITT) - 17,4 km
The very last stage of this Giro d'Italia 2022 will be an individual time trial, in the streets of Verona and around the city of Verona.It'll take place on the same circuit as the 2004 World Championships which contains, almost halfway through, a 4.5 kilometers long climb @ 5% and the intermediate timing point will be on the top of Torricella Massimiliana, before getting back to the city.
Hereunder you'll find the time- and route schedule, the profile and the race route on Open Street Maps for the 21st stage of the Giro d'Italia 2022. Click on the images to open them.

The Giro d'Italia 2022 route in Google Earth
Do you prefer to see the race route of the 21 stages of the Tour of Italy 2022, 105th edition of the Giro d'Italia, in Google Earth, would you like to do a virtual fly-over of one or more of them? That's all possible, by opening the KML file below in Google Earth:>> Download the Tour of Italy 2022 race route in Google Earth

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this publication is published in: Giro d Italia | Giro d'Italia 2022 | OpenStreetMap/Google Maps/Google Earth
Le tour d'Italie s'annonce grandiose cette année, J'ai hâte qu'il débute.