This article now refers to a more recent one: The Tour de France 2024 race route on OpenStreetMap and iin Google Earth, stage profiles and time- and route schedules. Maybe you'll find some interesting information there.

Sunday 01 October 2023 at 16h01

article originally published at Monday 13 March 2023 at 02:24 pm and updated on Sunday 1 October 2023 at 04:01 pm

UPDATE 1st of October 2023 at 4.01PM: the detailed maps with the race route of these two stages on Open Street Maps have been added as well as the stage profiles.

After the announcement of the Grand Départ of the Tour de France 2024 in Italy, for which we have been able to present you detailed race route maps on Open Street Maps, Amaury Sport Organisation today announced the details of the two last stages of the Tour de France 2024 which, due to the Olympic Games of Paris, won't allow the riders to visit the Champs-Elysées in Paris but rather go to Nice and Monaco as announced since early December 2022.

Nice > Col de la Couillole with a mountaineous race route and a time trial which will also not be easy between Monaco and the Place Masséna in Nice, that's what will end of the 111st edition of the Tour de France less than one week before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games 2024 in Paris!

The race route of the last two stages of the Tour de France 2024

After the start from Italy (3 entire stages .. and maybe the start of the 4th stage?), the Tour de France 2024 will follow a race route which will - as usual - be discussed based on the rumours which will allow us to discover the different stage cities in September and October 2023. As for the last two stage, we do already know the details right now though. Indeed, the particular configuration with the Olympic Games of Paris, which will make it impossible to organise the traditionnal finish on the Champs-Elysées less than one week before the start of the Olympic Games, led to a very early announcement of these two stages compared to what's usual.

And the programme won't be easy for the riders who will come back, after 3 weeks of racing, very close to where they entered France at the start, with a short mountain stage filled up with difficulties and a final individual time trial which won't be easy either for all participants. This will allow to keep some suspense until the end and maybe lead to a shuffle up of the top of the general classification like in 2020 between Primož Roglič and Tadej Pogačar or with the suspense between Greg LeMond and Laurent Fignon in 1989 when the American ended up ahead of the French rider for only 8 seconds, the smallest gap in the history of the Tour.


20/ Saturday 20 July 2024 - Nice > Col de la Couillole - 132 km

The forelast stage of the Tour de France 2024 will be a mountain stage starting in Nice.

This stage will be short, only 132 kilometers long, but will be filled up with difficulties, including for the finish which will thus be a mountain top finish.

This stage will be rather similar to the stages we're used to see these past few years in Paris-Nice. It'll start on the flat to get to the Nice hinterland, where the road will go climbing to get to the Col de Braus (1,002 m). A bit further the riders will climb the Col de Turini (1,607 m) and after a short flat part in the valley and the sprint in Saint-Martin Vésubie (923 m), the Col de la Colmiane (1,500 m) will be on the programme. After its long descent it'll be time to attack the final climb, the Col de la Couillole which was also on the programme of Paris-Nice 2023 this Saturday!
  • Hereunder you can find the stage profile and the map on Open Street Maps with the race route of this stage. Click on the images to open them.
    The profile of the 20th stage of the Tour de France 2024 The map with the race route of the 20th stage of the Tour de France 2024 on Open Street Maps

    20/ Nice > Col de la Couillole

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21/ Sunday 21 July 2024 - Monaco > Nice - individual time trial - 35.2 km

The last day of the Tour de France 2024 will exceptionally be a time trial day. Indeed, the last few years we got used to have the time trial the day before the final stage while in 2024 the final stage will thus be this time trial! We thus won't see the usual champagne cheering during this last stage.

This time the riders will thus each individually start from Monaco, like for the first stage in 2009 (when it was the inaugural time trial starting and finishing in Monaco). They'll climb up to La Turbie followed by the climb of the Col d'Eze before they deep dive towards Nice for a "back-and-forth" on the Promenade des Anglais followed by the finish on the Place Masséna.
  • Hereunder you can find the stage profile and the map on Open Street Maps with the race route of this stage. Click on the images to open them.
    The profile of the 21st stage of the Tour de France 2024 The map with the race route of the 21st stage of the Tour de France 2024 on Open Street Maps

    21/ Monaco > Nice

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📷 illustration photo: the flags linked to the final stages of the Tour de France 2024 with the I Love Nice logo - © A.S.O. / Philippe Viglietti

door Thomas Vergouwen
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10 comments | 22199 views

this publication is published in: Tour de France | Tour de France 2024 | OpenStreetMap/Google Maps/Google Earth


There are 10 comments!
  1. Un petit tour par la Bonette pour l'étape 19 ça serait vraiment cool ;-)

    | benji du 63 | Monday 13 March 2023 om 21h29

  2. Je suis très content du chrono final dans un décor grandiose, avec un profil interessant.

    Par contre je suis beaucoup moins convaincu par cette avant dernière étape.Je trouve que l'idée de l'enchainement de col ne suffit pas;pour que l'étape soit interessante il faudrait des profils de cols variés.Les 4 cols présentés ont de pourcentages très régulier, sans haute altitude;et surtout ,elle part de Nice;c qui m'effraie c'est que j'ai peur qu'encore une fois, toute une partie des Alpes du Sud (les Alpes de Haute Provence), le coin qui a le moins de moyen financier des Alpes du Sud soit encore snobé , malgré l'interêt de la vallée de l'Ubaye.

    | arpettaz | tuesday 14 March 2023 om 15h40

  3. @arpettaz si je suis d'accord avec ton diagnostic on ne s'affole pas pour autant.

    L'occasion est trop belle pour l'édition 2024 de passer par la vallée de l'ubaye le vendredi avant-veille de l'arrivée et d'emprunter le col de la bonnette, dont la route est pour rappel géré sur son versant sud par la métropole de Nice.
    Donc on peut avoir une arrivée en vallée de la tinée le vendredi, avant un départ de Nice le samedi.
    Et pour le jeudi l'hypothèse d'une étape Manosque - Barcelonnette par le col d'Allos est une éventualité.

    | davidc | Thursday 27 April 2023 om 18h40

  4. Il y sont plusiers options pour la dernière semaine, même une arrivée Isola 2000 après Bonnette, voire une etape de plat/baroudeur le vendredi vers la Mediterranée. A mon avis la zone Gap-Risoul-Barcelonnette sera emprunter avant.

    | barbote | Sunday 14 May 2023 om 04h29

  5. Pas de passage par Toulon en 2024

    | Julien | tuesday 16 May 2023 om 09h39

  6. La plupart des sites d'info regionaux en Bourgogne parlent de plusieurs etapes en Cote d'Or, probablement en fin de premiere semaine. Un CLM serait dans les tuyaux.

    | Yoshi45 | tuesday 13 June 2023 om 21h00

  7. [[ supprimé, contenu aberrant ]]

    | Pascal | Monday 10 July 2023 om 22h08

  8. haute alpes et alpes de haute Provence au menu avec peut-être le col de la bonnette
    mais aussi 4 jour en cote d'or avec un séjour à Dijon peut être pour la première journée de repos

    | Guigui 22 | Friday 21 July 2023 om 15h26

  9. une arrivée dans l'ain

    | ATTILA67 | Thursday 17 August 2023 om 16h00

  10. Nice / Col de la couillole c'est un parcours EdT très difficile, on flirte avec les 5000m D+, et il faudra continuer pour redescendre côté Valberg ou Touet

    | Philippe | Wednesday 20 September 2023 om 12h34

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>> The Tour de France 2024 race route on OpenStreetMap and iin Google Earth, stage profiles and time- and route schedules