The information published on 23 February 2010 has been confirmed today by the syrup brand and by the Tour de France's official web site (at 93 days from the start).
Teisseire not only becomes one of the brands of the advertising caravan in the Tour de France 2010, but also "sirop officiel" until 2013!
When the site announced the information a bit more than a month ago, it seemed as if the brand would only be present in the advertising caravan of the Tour, without however becoming a sponsor of the event (especially because the logo didn't appear on the sponsors page of the Tour's web site at that time). After today's announcement, we now know that the contract is for a partnership of the fournisseur officiels level and that the Teisseire brand thus becomes sirop officiel du Tour de France. The partnership signed with A.S.O. lasts for 4 years and together with Vittel, Teisseire could thus become an official drink of the Tour de France (Vittel extended its contract until 2013 during the Tour de France 2009).
On Teisseire's web site, the "sirop officiel" logo has been added and it points to a page dedicated to the biggest cycling event in the world.
The brand explains that syrup is the first used drink for sportsmen after water and that in 1953, the metal syrup bottle has been created by Teisseire based on the design of cyclists' water bottles.
The brand also mentions the historical, friendly and popular aspects of the race, since these are values the brand and the event have in common.
Finally it indicates that as an official supplier, the brand will be present both in the advertising caravan as on the finish line and that this will be done using the themes of party, music and colours. Indeed, as far as I know the brand's cars will be quite colourful and wil use the colours which are generally used by the brand.
Now we can only hope that the web presence the brand has planned for the Tour will be a bit richer than the simple page it currently presents (even though this is even better than what some Tour de France sponsors do!!)
The image the brand uses in its communication for the Tour is definitely also in the fêtez le Tour en couleurs avec Teisseire (celebrate a colourful Tour with Teisseire) theme:

After Saint-Michel's biscuits, Teisseire thus becomes the second new official supplier of the Tour de France in 2010!
© images - Teisseire door Thomas Vergouwen
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this publication is published in: Tour de France | Tour de France 2010 | Marketing this did not show the colorful tour in france that I hoped for.