Friday 09 April 2010 at 00h27

A few days ago, you could read all informations about the official syrup of the Tour de France 2010, Teisseire, here, today it's up to the Galettes et Madeleines officielles of the Tour de France to present their activities in and around the Tour.

Let's have a look at St Michel, in the advertising caravan, in the cities the Tour passes through and on the Internet!

St Michel presents itself as the 100-year-old with the same values, same spirit and same love for tradition as the Tour de France. Indeed, the family company was created in 1905, only 2 years after the start of the first Tour de France in Montgéron and becomes Official Supplier of the most important cycling event in the world in 2010, thus introducing the Galettes et Madeleines officielles.


The advertising caravan

the St Michel chickenAt the front of St Michel's advertising caravan the Saint Michel Chicken, historical logo of the brand which has been on its packaging since its creation, will announce the arrival of the other vehicles!

From the 6 vehicles which compose the St Michel advertising caravan, more than 2 million Madeleines and tens of thousands collector bucket hats (after the Skoda and Cochonou bucket hats, yet another one is always useful! :-) will be handed out to the crowds on the side of the road of the Grande Boucle.

The Grand Prix St Michel des Communes Gourmandes

the Madeleines St MichelSt Michel will not only be present in the advertising caravan for its very first presence in the Tour de France. Indeed, the Tour de France 2010 will be the first Tour to propose a Grand Prix St Michel des Communes Gourmandes.

What is that? The biscuit brand decided to allow the cities the Tour de France 2010 stages pass through to get involved: on each stage, a Commune Gourmande will be selected and this city will have to create its original recipe for a Madeleine, based on local specialties.

At the end of the Tour, all recipes will be analyse to elect the best Madeleine of the Tour. The winning recipe will be produced and sold, just like any other products by St Michel.

The cities which won't win this prize, will however see the recipe of their Madeleine published in a book which will be illustrated with the drawings of the children from the participating cities.

2 of them will get an extra prize since the cities which create the 3 best Madeleines will receive computers for the local schools from St Michel.


A very promissing web presence

If we believe St Michel's press release, the brand correctly understood that a (new) presence in the Tour is not complete without a complimentary web presence (even if it's the first year!) and that such a project which is relatively low cost, allows to extend its presence in the Tour de France to the rest of France and maybe even worldwide.

On St Michel's web site, the brand will propose a game which will allow to win thousands of prizes. The static page which is dedicated to the Tour de France on the site will be replaced before the end of April by a complete Tour de France area in which St Michel proposes during the Tour a blog which will allow its visitors to follow the Tour as if they were there (hmmmm, that reminds me of something ** !!).

I hope we won't be disappointed!

** on 30 June 2007 I wrote in the very first article of the blog "Orange dans le Tour": Orange, partenaire officiel du Tour de France et fournisseur officiel des solutions de télécommunications depuis 1999, vous montrera cette année pour la première fois les coulisses du Tour de France à travers de ce blog. Vous allez découvrir le Tour de France comme si vous y étiez !

door Thomas Vergouwen
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4 comments | 13282 views

this publication is published in: Tour de France | Tour de France 2010 | Marketing


There are 4 comments!
  1. C'est une très bonne nouvelle , nous étions mercredi 7 avril à Commercy pour rencontrer les responsables du vélodrome et comment ne pas faire un arrêt dans la boutique des Madeleines de Commercy de la société ST Michel , Franchement ces madeleines à couper le souffle , les meilleures du monde

    | lescure | Friday 09 April 2010 om 07h24


    | Roland TISSIER | Friday 09 April 2010 om 11h42

  3. Commercy restera pour moi toujours un haut lieu du vélo depuis qu'un jour de 1982 j'y avais rencontré le soir dans un hotel le sprinter Daniel Morélon qui m'avait exprimé alors sa joie de pouvoir rencontrer un cycliste exceptionnel - ainsi il m'avait appelé - de la région du Brabant Flamand d'où était venu le superchampion Poeske Scherens. Morélon avait signé ce jour sur ma fiche de contrôle qui attestait que j'étais à la fin d'une sorte Tour de France cyclo-randonneur de plus de trois semaines pendant lequels avec armes et bagages j'étais passé en haut d'une quantité de cols célèbres, avec même un passage par le tunnel mythique en haut du Col du Grand Parpaillon. En ce temps-là j'étais un cycliste heureux avec une forme et un moral incroyable, qui ignorait encore qu'un jour il y aurait internet pour meubler la fin de sa vie.

    | Journée | Friday 09 April 2010 om 11h51

  4. Thomas, c'est toi va tenir le blog St Michel ?

    | Mart1 | tuesday 13 April 2010 om 16h51

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