Friday 11 October 2013 at 00h39
After the 107th edition of the Classic of the falling leaves in Italy, the Tour of Lombardy - which was again won by Joaquim Rodriguez (Katusha), the 107th edition of Paris-Tours will take place this Sunday between Authon-du-Perche in the Eure-et-Loir department and the Avenue de Grammont in Tours.
As usual, this classic is one of the last races of the season in France and the riders will thus want to show off at this occasion, just before the winter break.
In this article you'll find all you need to know about this 2013 : end-of-season classic: the race route on Google Maps and a downloadable version of the race route in Google Earth, the profile and the time- and route schedule.
The Paris-Tours 2013 race route
In 2009, ASO signed a contract with the Eure-et-Loir department to organise the start of Paris-Tours in this departement between 2009 and 2013.Concerning the future starts, the agreement between the Eure-et-Loir department and ASO for the start of this classic has been renewed according to an article on the website of Eure-et-Loir but it has not been indicated for which period in time.
The final part of the race route will be a little bit different. It'll still contain the Côtes de Crochu, de Beau Soleil and de l'Epan at 30.5, 10 and 7 kilometres from the finish line but the route through Ballan-Miré is slightly different. The finish line will still be in the Avenue de Grammont despite the fact that it was initially announced that it would be the last time in 2010 already. The tramway in Tours had reduced the length of the long final straight line in this avenue from 2,700 to 660 metres, but last year it got a little bit longer again, with 800 metres, and this will still be the case this year.
The Paris-Tours 2013 race route on Google Maps, the time- and route schedule and the profile
Hereunder you'll find the race route of Paris-Tours 2013 on Google Maps, its profile and the time- and route schedule. Click on each of the images to open them:

The Paris-Tours 2013 race route in Google Earth
Would you like to do a virtual fly-over of this race route? Or do you simply prefer to see it in Google Earth?>> Click here to download the Paris-Tours 2013 race route in Google Earth (KML file)
Paris-Tours 2013 on TV
The other countries which will broadcast Paris-Tours 2013 live are:
- several European countries on Eurosport 2 and several Asian countries on Eurosport Asie
- Belgium on RTBF and VRT (Sporza)
- Denmark on TV2
- Spain on Teledeporte
- Italy on RAI (live or delayed)
- Norway on TV2 Sport
- The Netherlands on Nederland 1
- Switzerland on RSI, RTS et SF
- severam African countries on Supersport
- Japan on J Sports 4 door Thomas Vergouwen
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this publication is published in: Paris-Tours | OpenStreetMap/Google Maps/Google Earth
Le nouveau parcours permet d'aborder Monts (entre Veigné et Ballan) avec une petite montée de 500m à 4% celle ci s'effectuant après un virage à prendre à une vitesse raisonnable. Cela change de l'ancien passage où la montée de l'Etang du Ponceau (Entre Veigné et Ballan) s'effectuait après une descente rapide et large. L'objectif est clair pour ASO : Faire en sorte de prendre les bosses avec une vitesse moins forte au départ pour favoriser les "punchers". Cela se vérifie depuis que le Paris Tours prend la Cote de Beau Soleil (inscrit depuis 2009 je crois), et la Cote de l'Epan par un virage à angle droit (alors que précédemment à 2009 cette montée s'effectuait après un bout droit d'environ 4km).
Bonjour Thomas, les courses diffusés sur NBCSN ne sont jamais diffusées au Canada (seulement aux États-Unis).
@fralaf, j'ose espérer que le département média d'ASO est quand même au courant du contenu de leurs accords avec les diffuseurs ;-). Toujours est-il qu'après vérification, je vois qu'il s'agit d'une diffusion en différé donc je l'ai retiré de la liste pour cette raison.
The rain is pooring down in Holland at the moment, hope you guys have more luck weatherwise, good luck and may the strongest man win, Tankink may be that strongest man !!