Yesterday, the city of Paris has published the results of the census carried out by the INSEE and the Atelier Parisien d'Urbanisme (APUR) on its website .
In France there's no administration of inhabitants in each city. This means that you don't need to register when you arrive and start living somewhere. This has probably always been like this, but I think there's a lot of drawbacks on this system; one of these drawbacks is that it's only possible to get an idea of the number of people living in a city by carrying out a census. The biggest cities (with at least 10.000 inhabitants) visit 8% of all houses each year, which means that each 5 years 40% of all people will be visited. The data which has now been published for Paris are actually an estimation on January 1st, 2005, based on these 'gliding' census.
According to this estimation, Paris had 2,153,600 inhabitants at this date, which is a growth of 28,000 compared to the previous (at that time still periodic and not 'gliding') census in 1999.
Development number of inhabitants Paris 1975-2005 - © Apur
While the population decreased with 0,1% per year in the 90s we have now passed the level of 1990 again based on a growth of about 0,2% per year since 1999.
The growth of the population is based on a number of things:
- higher birth rate
- lower death rate
=> leading to an excess of births of about 16,000 a year between 1999 and 2005 compared to 12,000 a year in the 90s
- and finally a decrease in the migration deficit (difference between emigration and immigration)
Of course, all these people need to live somewhere and - even if the number of houses has increased the last few years - this has a clear impact on the price of housing: if you want to buy something in Paris, you now pay an average price of € 5.675 per square meter for existing houses. This means that for a flat with a surface of 45m˛ you pay € 255.375 ... which excludes notary fees (about 7% in France!!) ...
More detailed information about the evolution of the population in Paris can be found in this publication on the website of the city of Paris .
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4 comments | 7569 views
this publication is published in: France
Een volkstelling, ik moest meteen aan Jozef en Maria denken die op een ezeltje naar hun geboorteplaats gingen i.v.m. de volkstelling... ;-)
| Meggie | Friday 09 February 2007 om 08h43
Die Meggie toch hè. Goed zo Thomas: Bas verdient zeker een pluim!
| Tonn vergouwen | Friday 09 February 2007 om 12h51
Grappig ... daar dacht ik zelf namelijk ook aan toen ik dit artikeltje schreef. Ik heb zelfs overwogen om het er nog in te zetten in de trant van: "In Nederland alleen bekend van Jozef en Maria maar in Frankrijk iets van alledag" ;-)
| Thomas Vergouwen | Friday 09 February 2007 om 22h58
Interessant stuk over de inwoners van Parijs.
| Frans vertalen | Thursday 09 February 2012 om 13h56