Thursday 24 January 2008 at 22h42
The Tour de France is still very popular and the French television broadcasting rights for this cycling race are now guaranteed up to 2013. The current contract with France Télévisions would end at the end of this year and in the current situation where the French government wants to make the public broadcasting corporations free of advertising the renewal of this contract was definitely at risk. This is thus good news for the Tour de France, for France Télévisions and even for people watching the Tour de France on TV abroad!
The Tour 2007 viewing figures
In 2007, the Tour de France's viewing figures were quite high with an average of 3,6 million viewers (39,2% market share) with peaks during the mountain stages (in the Alps with an average of 4,8 million viewers [48% market share] and an average of 4,3 million viewers [42% market share] for the Pyrenean stages) and during the last stage with over 4,6 million viewers (41% market share; the highest market share for a Tour arrival since 2004) and a real peak at 7 million viewers (56%) during the Champs-Élysées finish.These figures are under the record viewing figures in 2004 and 2005, but stable compared to the Tour 2006.
The Tour de France thus remains the event which gives France 2 the highest viewing figures in July.
figures from Médiamétrie
The extension of the contract
In this context France Télévisions of course wanted to extend its contract with the Tour de France organisor, Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O.), for 5 years.However, the positive viewing figures were not the only element in the contract extension: the French government plans to make public broadcasting corporations free of advertising, so A.S.O. was quite afraid this would lead to difficulties since it seems to be impossible to organise a Tour de France without any brands sponsoring the cycling event on TV since the cycling sport pretty much depends on advertising for its funding. Daniel Bilalian - France Télévisions director of sports - said We indeed had to reassure the Amaury group. In the negociations which were finalised Saturday night the most important element was that the public broadcasting corporations will keep the right to have specific programmes sponsored (like a "this programme is brought to you by" for example).
This indeed means that the Tour de France TV programme still can be sponsored by one or more companies, like it has been the case for the last few years with for example Cochonou (cf. the "Les pubs" section > "2004 : le cycliste" on their website).
Daniel Bilalian added I have tried to present the absence of advertising as something positive for the organisors of sports events. For the 90th edition of the French football championships for example I can use the break in the game to broadcast - instead of advertising - short programmes based on the archives of this event.
So this is definitely good news for the Tour de France because A.S.O. knows since several years that they can build on France Télévisions as the official broadcaster (when the German broadcasters stopped broadcasting the Tour de France this year due to the doping cases, France Télévisions continued to make sure the event could be broadcasted around the world), for France Télévisions since the public broadcasting corporation thus keeps the broadcasting rights of an event which brings them high viewing figures and even for TV viewers abroad since France Télévisions also provides the images for the international signal; this international signal is then sent to the foreign broadcasters by Orange and GlobeCast Reportages.
The contract: its price and contents
The contract not only covers the Tour de France's broadcasting rights, but also the rights for all other cycling races organised by A.S.O. up to 2013: Tour de France, Paris-Roubaix, la Flèche Wallone, Paris-Nice, Liège-Bastogne-Liège, the Criterium International, the Tour de l'Avenir, ... But also the Dakar if it'll still be organised in the upcoming years (the Dakar 2008 was cancelled just before its start due to terroristic threats), the Marathon de Paris and the Open de France (golf).The total cost of these broadcasting rights is agreed on 23 million euros a year with a correction for inflation of 2% per year:
- 2009 : 23 M€
- 2010 : 23,4 M€
- 2011 : 23,9 M€
- 2012 : 24,4 M€
- 2013 : 24,9 M€ door Thomas Vergouwen
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this publication is published in: Tour de France | Marketing
Combien de chaines diffusent à l'étranger et combien ça leur coute? Le tour est surement un bon filon pour Orange et GlobeCast Reportage.
De plus, qui diffuse à l'étranger ? Mon parcours professionnel cet été va me mener sur les routes d'europe et des Etats Unis. J'aimerai savoir si je pourrais voir le tour en direct!!
Bonjour RV,
(désolé de ne pas avoir répondu plus tôt)
A.S.O. (l'organisateur du Tour) parle d'environ 200 pays dans lesquels le Tour de France est diffusé par 92 chaînes (par exemple Eurosport couvre un grand nombre de pays). Aux Etats-Unis le Tour est diffusé je crois au moins par la chaîne Versus et peut-être par d'autres chaînes.
En Europe tout dépend d'où tu vas ... en Angleterre par exemple on peut logiquement compter sur Eurosport et ITV, aux Pays-Bas sur NOS, en Belgique sur Sporza (sur la 1), en Allemagne sur Eurosport (l'ARD/ZDF ne diffusent a priori plus), en Espagne sur TVE, etc.
Plus d'informations sur le rôle d'Orange et de Globecast Reportages dans le Tour sur le blog Orange dans le Tour !
Merci pour ces explications.
Quelles sont vos sources pour le prix du contrat de 2009 à 2013 avec France Télévisions?
Est-il possible de savoir le prix des droits du contrats précédents? Je voudrais savoir si ces prix sont globalement stagnants, ou si c'est en augmentation.
Bonjour JC,
La source est un communiqué de presse de l'époque. Selon Le Parisien du 24 juillet dernier, ce contrat aurait d'ailleurs été prolongé jusqu'en 2015.
Je ne connais pas le prix des contrats précédents.