Monday 24 June 2024 at 02h00

The Grand Départ of the Tour de France in the Nord department, and more precisely in Lille, has already been announced at the end of November 2023, but we still had to give you the detailed maps of the first 3 stages that have been announced in full, in addition to the start of the 4th stage in Amiens.

In this publication, you can discover the details of these 3 stages in maps on OpenStreetMap (equivalent to Google Maps, but in free version) that show the route that the riders will follow in the Nord department early July 2025.

The schedule for the Grand Départ of the Tour de France 2025

The Grand Départ of the Tour de France 2025 follows a classic program:
  • Wednesday, July 2, 2025: opening of the permanence and press center
  • Thursday, July 3, 2025: presentation of the Tour de France 2025 teams
  • Saturday, July 5, 2025: stage 1 - Lille Métropole > Lille Métropole
  • Sunday, July 6, 2025: stage 2 - Lauwin-Planque > Boulogne-sur-Mer
  • Monday, July 7, 2025: 3rd stage - Valenciennes > Dunkirk
  • Tuesday, July 8, 2025: 4th stage - Amiens Métropole > ????

The 3 stages of the Tour de France 2025 Grand Départ in detail on OpenStreetMap maps

Let's take a closer look at the routes of the first three stages of the 112th edition of the Tour de France.

It should be noted that these routes may still be approximate at certain points. Indeed, on the one hand they are likely to evolve further between now and the Grand Départ, but on the other they have been drawn with the best possible effort on the basis of non-detailed maps and videos of the routes published by the Tour de France organizer, without having the hourly itinerary to verify them.


1/ Saturday, July 5, 2025 - Lille Métropole > Lille Métropole - 185 km

The first stage of the Tour de France 2025 will start from Lille Métropole and will take place in a loop on a relatively flat course, with however 3 climbs on which the first wearer of the polka-dot jersey of the King of the Mountains classification will be decided.

The first wearer of the yellow jersey will most probably be a sprinter however, on the course which first heads south-west, passing through Lens, and starting the part of the course which heads north-west, the riders will have to climb the Côte de Notre-Dame-de-Lorette. Passing through Béthune and Hazebrouck, they then climb the cobbled side of the Côte de Cassel shortly before the next turnaround, and then head back over the Mont Noir, whose summit lies some 40 km from the finish line, which will be drawn in Lille Métropole at the end of a wide, perfectly level, one-kilometer straight at the foot of the citadel.

Below you'll find the profile and OpenStreetMap of the route of the first stage of the Tour de France 2025. Click on images to enlarge.
The profile of the first stage of the Tour de France 2025 The race route of the first stage of the Tour de France 2025

2/ Sunday, July 6, 2025 - Lauwin-Planque > Boulogne-sur-Mer - 209 km

The second stage of the Tour de France 2025 will be a long one, 209 kilometers to be precise, starting from Lauwin-Planque, a new stage town on the Tour de France, very close to Douai. After passing through Douai, the riders head via Arras towards the coast and ... towards a series of climbs. First, the Côte de Cavron Saint-Martin, in the middle of the stage. Shortly after Montreuil-sur-Mer comes the real series of climbs, with the 3 côtes du Boulonnais, the Côte du Haut Pichot, the Côte de Saint-Etienne-au-Mont and finally the Côte d'Outreau, which is just over 5 km from the finish line, which is itself at the top of a 1 km climb in Boulogne-sur-Mer! In all likelihood, the yellow jersey will change shoulders on this second stage.

Below you'll find the profile and OpenStreetMap of the second stage of the Tour de France 2025. Click on images to enlarge.
The profile of the second stage of the Tour de France 2025 The race route of the second stage of the Tour de France 2025


3/ Monday July 7, 2025 - Valenciennes > Dunkerque - 172 km

The third stage of the Tour de France 2025 will once again be largely flat, so it's likely to end in a sprint - but perhaps not a bunch sprint, but a sprint of a much smaller peloton, if the effect of the wind has led to the creation of different groups.

From Valenciennes, the riders cross the coalfield and pass through places known from Paris-Roubaix, such as Orchies and Mons-en-Pévèle, but without going for the cobbles this time. They then return to Béthune, as on the first stage, before heading for Isbergues (famous for its Grand Prix) and then back to Cassel with the Côte de Cassel climb, 35 kilometers from the finish. And that's where they're likely to be exposed to the wind, on an open field road heading for the finish in Dunkirk, near the Marcel-Tribut stadium.

Below you'll find the profile and OpenStreetMap of the route of the third stage of the Tour de France 2025. Click on images to enlarge.
The profile of the third stage of the Tour de France 2025 The race route of the third stage of the Tour de France 2025

What's next?

4/ Tuesday, July 8, 2025 - start of Stage 4 from Amiens Métropole

Stage 4 of the Tour de France 2025 will set off from Amiens Métropole, which will see the Tour de France for the 14th time already!

It should then head for Brittany and not forgetting Normandy, perhaps via Deauville for the finish of this 4th stage?

door Thomas Vergouwen
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3 comments | 1495 views

this publication is published in: Tour de France | Tour de France 2025


There are 3 comments!

  1. Bonjour Thomas,

    Cette présentation en noir est assez désagréable pour les yeux, vraiment. Et rend la lecture difficile.

    Est-ce possible de revenir à quelque chose de moins agressif. Merci.

    | Dom | Monday 24 June 2024 om 12h01

  2. ( / Normandie)

    Alençon est candidate déclarée pour accueillir le prochain Tour.

    | Guillaume | Monday 24 June 2024 om 14h47

  3. Bonjour Dom #1,

    Il ne s'agit en aucun cas de quelque chose "d'agressif" car en effet, c'est plutôt du texte noir sur fond blanc qui est agressif pour nos yeux.

    De ce que je comprends, vous appréciez moins le mode sombre : ce n'est pas "désagréable", vous l'appréciez moins.

    Le changement du design et des couleurs du site date d'il y a maintenant presque 6 mois et c'est la première fois que quelqu'un s'exprime négativement sur les choix des couleurs (alors que j'avais explicitement demandé de faire un retour sur le sujet, pour ceux qui le souhaitaient, donc votre avis ne doit pas forcément être un avis général ...). J'ai expliqué ce choix à l'occasion du changement, le 31 décembre dernier.

    Je prends votre avis comme quoi vous préférez un fond clair avec du texte de couleur sombre, plutôt que l'inverse. Je vais voir si je peux ajouter un choix entre mode sombre (qui restera en tout état de cause le mode par défaut) et un mode clair (avec un choix qui serait alors enregistré dans le navigateur, pour qu'on n'ait à le faire qu'une seule fois et que le choix resterait appliqué automatiquement), mais ce sera probablement après le Tour de France je pense car je crains ne plus avoir le temps avant !

    @Guillaume #2 : je me suis permis de raccourcir l'URL que vous donniez, car elle risquait de déformer le contenu du site tellement elle était longe

    | Thomas Vergouwen | Monday 24 June 2024 om 20h44

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