Nowadays we unfortunately more and more often the feeling that it's better to be first to tell something shit than being second telling the truth. Together with the sentence in the title of this article about his work as director of Cycling at ASO, this sentence about journalists is just one of those which highlight Emmanuel Barth's interview with Christian Prudhomme for Yahoo! Sport (published on 12 December).
This interview, without any hidden agenda's, is about a variety of topics, especially around the Tour de France. From the internationalisation of cycling, via the work of journalists and the Contador case to the Tour de France 2012, Christian Prudhomme comments many current topics in the world of cycling.
Right from the start of the interview, Christian Prudhomme, not only the director of the Tour de France but also director of Cycling with Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO), sets the tone by saying about this role he has with ASO and more largely in the international world of cycling that without any doubt it's not a job, for me it's a mission!
During the whole interview you can see the guy who's passionate about cycling who is Christian Prudhomme or, as he says it himself in this interview, the guy who's completely crazy about cycling, transpire in his answers to the questions which are not necessarily always easy for a director of the Tour de France.
The first big theme being discussed in this interview is journalism. As a reminder, Christian Prudhomme is a former journalist himself, graduated at the École supérieure de journalisme de Lille where he was part of the 59th promotion, and has done this work as a sports journalist, especially for France Télévisions, L'Équipe TV which he helped to create in 1998, Europe 1, La Cinq and LCI. This by the way allowed him to become the director of Cycling at ASO.First of all he explains how it all happened: journalism is the only thing I know and it's the only job which I never wanted to do. I had the chance to become a journalist and to be able to cover the event I always wanted to cover: the Tour de France, as a journalist at the radio first and than on TV. This job allowed me to get to know two big people of the world of sports quite well, on one side Jean-Marie Leblanc (his predecessor at the head of cycling with ASO) et par ailleurs Patrice Clerc (l'ancien patron d'ASO avant Jean-Etienne Amaury and before that responsible for marketing and than director of Roland-Garros) because I was representing the radio journalists at Roland-Garros and since I also covered tennis and rally-raids.
One day, Jean-Marie came to see me and told me "I would like you to follow me up". I had to digest that first but I rather quickly said "yes"!
He than gave his vision on journalists nowadays and the sentence Nowadays we unfortunately more and more often the feeling that it's better to be first to tell something shit than being second telling the truth and that's horrible can only be applauded ... unfortunately, many journalists still haven't seem to understood that! Will there ever be a day when this criterion will become more important than the detention or not of a press card to be accredited on a cycling race?
The internationalisation of cycling
Another theme which of course had to be part of this interview was of course the internationalisation of which everyone's talking and which for some seems to be the big promise for the future of cycling while for others it means the end of cycling as we know it or even the end of cycling full stop ...
Concerning the internationalisation on a wider scale and the interest of cycling races like the Tour of Beijing, the Tour of Oman and certain American races, the director of Cycling at ASO answered as follows: The bike is universal but the sport of cycling isn't. In order to live, or even to survive, of even better, to develop, the cycling sport needs to be everywhere around the world.
There is a need which is also an economic need for the International Cycling Union, in order to obtain approval from the International Olympic Committee, the discipline needs to be present in a certain number of countries.
So there is a need to develop, but we should make sure there will always be a coherence and especially we should take care of the roots, the passion and enthusiasm which start, indeed, here, from the historical cycling countries, our old Europe, our beautiful old Europe!
The Tour de France 2012
There have been quite a lot discussions about the Tour de France 2012 and especially about the fact that the two big mountain areas of France have been left "alone" by the Tour for its 99th edition and that this would be a less mountainous edition (also in your comments on!). When Emmanuel Barth asks about this, Christian Prudhomme (after having made a joke about the unfortunate publication, which came too early, of the 2012 race route) first of all underlined that there will not be less mountains than usual but that this feeling is based on the unknown: We really wanted something different, something which never took place before, in 2012 (between the 100th anniversaries of the first visits in the Alps and the Pyreneas and the 100th edition in 2013).The full interview in video
After having watched this interview a few weeks ago on the Yahoo! Sport website, I decided to share and promote it because I think it's interesting and touches some "sensible" points. I think I've given you a good idea of what the interview is like with the 3 main themes which are discussed in this interview and hope you'd like to see the rest of it (one of the other themes is "Alberto Contador" and also Christian Prudhomme's idea on some people from the world of cycling where Jean-René Godart gets some bad publicity, in contrast to Thierry Adam who also happens to make some mistakes sometimes ;-) ...).I was thus thinking of embedding the video in here or putting up direct a link to the interview, but both turned out to be impossible: embedding is not available on the Yahoo! website and the link one can find on their website doesn't work.
The best thing I can is thus to ask you to find in the player below, which will be updated with each of the new interviews realised by Emmanuel Barth, the first occurrence (there's two of them) of the following image below the player (with the title L'Interview Yahoo! Sport : Christian Prudhomme; at the time of publication of this article it was the 4th in the list):

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4 comments | 5324 views
this publication is published in: Tour de France | Tour de France 2012
Très bon article Thomas , digne d'un très bon journaliste .
Je suis content de voir que mr Prudhomme desteste lui aussi ces étapes de montagne complétement dénigrer par les coureurs .
Par contre j'aimerais qu'un jour , il avoue que certaines étapes était mal tracés type Lourdes 2011 ou Pau 2010 . Simple exemple ou peuvent s'ajouter Annonay et Bellegarde 2012 , c'est à dire l'avenir . Esperons mieux pour 2013 , où l'on espere un Tour grandiose en terme d'étapes et d'intensiter avant et pendant la course .
Sur ce je vais aller poster le Giro finis sur le nouveau site fraîchement creer . Encore merci pour celui-ci .
Bellegarde 2012 pour lui est bien tracée, puisqu'il dit "Il y a des rampes de lancement qui sont faites pour que les gens saisissent leur chance, sur des pentes terribles qui font qu'il y ait une sélection qui sera naturelle quoi qu'il arrive, à 30, 25, 40 kilomètres de l'arrivée", soit le Grand Colombier pour cette étape ... et accessoirement je partage son opinion ici. On va voir si les coureurs vont dénigrer ce tremplin ou non.
Cette interview prouve que Mr Prudhomme (s'il avat à le prouver) était un organisateur plus qu'on businessman-manager, même s'il doit gérer cet aspect.
Reste aux coureurs de refaire de la montagne un terrain de spectacle... Si seulement le coup d'A.Schleck dans l'Izoard était plus fréquent...
Ce n'est pas un commentaire mais plutôt une question. J'ai le sentiment profond que le tour de france cuvée 2012 nous offre un vainqueur sans grand panache. J'ai en effet le sentiment que le tour de france s'est couru davantage dans les voitures suiveuses et les oreillettes que sur les vélos même si je ne nie pas l'effort des coureurs (voir l'ipnetpie froom-wiggings). La course semble plus basée sur la spéculation, la tactique, tout cela engendré par la fameuse oreillette. Merckx, Hinault et bien d'autres n'avaient pas besoin de cette techniqur pour être de vrais champions. Allez-vous interdire l'oreillette en 2013. Ce ne serait que positif pour le sport. Merci.